Yesterday, it was reported in the news that Running Man might be cancelled. Here’re the shocking facts

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:43 pm

Running Man fans, now, you’ve got one more reason to cry.

It is no secret that the ratings for Running Man have been declining in recent years. During its peak, it garnered over 23% in its nationwide TNmS Ratings. However, in the latest episode on 20 March 2016, it garnered only 6.4%.

In fact, for the entire year in 2016, the rating has never been double digit. The highest in 2016 is episode 289, at 7.1%—still a sharp drop from its peak of 23%.

Yesterday, it was reported in Lianhe Wanbao that there were rumours about the show being cancelled. According to the report, even with the Dubai special that is expected to increase the ratings, it apparently dropped to 5.1% instead, a record low this year.

I don’t know about you, but the Dubai special seems to be two of the best episodes so far.

In an interview last month with Star News, Running Man producer Im Hyung Taek stated that he no longer worried about the ratings and focused on the quality. He believed that with better quality, the ratings will eventually revert to what it used to be.

In the last few years, Running Man has been pretty predictable, but now, every episode is relatively different. With almost everyone in the office being a Running Man fan, we seriously hope that the rumours aren’t true. Just in case you’re not aware, Running Man is the longest-running program in SBS’s Good Sunday lineup now.

After all, we as Singaporeans wouldn’t be able to contribute…right?