Yishun North NPC Social Media Team Has Been Coming Out With Creative Contents


If your job is to maintain law and order, it’s important to educate people on how to avoid becoming victims of crimes, as well as catching the perpetrators committing misdeeds.

Getting the right message out is especially important during the 21s century, with social media and messaging apps providing several avenues for misinformation to spread.

But if you really want to get your message across these days, you need to be a little creative, as netizens won’t share anything they find boring.

You could do this by adding a joke or meme to your post, or even coming up with an entertaining skit, like what we’ve done in collaboration with the Singapore Police Force:

If that fails, you can always do what the Yishun North Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) recently did.

Yishun North NPC Social Media Team Has Been Coming Out With Creative Contents

If you follow Yishun North NPC on Facebook, you’d know that they often share information on how to avoid falling prey to scams.

They’ve warned followers about everything from fake job offers to calls from fake friends:

A week ago, they shared some information about one-time passwords (OTPs) with followers, reminding them that it’s a security feature to prevent identity theft and
is only meant for the user and no one else.

Only this time, they used a meme.

It seems that they wanted to reiterate this message in their latest post, but had some difficulties.

Have a look:

Image: Facebook (Yishun North NPC)

“Our graphic designer is away this week. So we had to improvise because the show must go on. We need to reiterate the importance of not sharing your bank details with anyone!” it said.

The amusing post has certainly tickled netizens, as it’s been shared over 1,600 times and garnered 1,400 likes.


Even funnier than the post were some of the memes shared by the NPC in the comments section:

Image: Facebook (Yishun North NPC)
Image: Facebook (Yishun North NPC)

When one netizen quipped that they must have been scammed by an online designer, the NPC replied that it was fortunate that its designer is also an officer at the Yishun North NPC.

Image: Facebook (Yishun North NPC)

Warned of Job Scams With Squid Game-Themed Post

It appears that this isn’t Yishun North’s first stroll down Memes Road.

In another post on Monday (27 Sep), the NPC warned followers not to accept dubious job offers that promise lucrative returns for minimal effort.

“If an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is”, the post said.


However, it wasn’t the caption that had everyone talking, but the video which accompanied it:

As fans of Squid Game would know, the “job offer” in the video is the honeycomb challenge, which, if unsuccessful, would cost participants their lives. 

Of course, the only thing victims of scams usually lose in real life is money, but you get the point.

One commenter on the post said the creative team behind the post should get a raise, to which the NPC replied “Well noted dear sir”.

Image: Facebook (Yishun North NPC)

Well, we certainly agree.


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Featured Image: Facebook (Yishun North NPC)