You Can Now Buy Bubble Tea & Tie Guanyin Ice Cream With Pearls At Suntec City & Changi Airport


Last Updated on 2019-02-12 , 10:05 pm

The bubble tea craze is real.

Especially for Singaporeans.


It’s no longer #everythingalsosaltedegg. Today, it’s #everythingalsobubbletea.

Just check out BreadTalk and their Bubble Tea concoctions.

Singaporeans went crazy over the idea of bubble tea bread.

In fact, bubble tea’s so big we couldn’t resist doing an entire video about it.

So when we heard that there’s bubble tea ice cream now available in Singapore? We know we have to share it with you.

Because good things must share mah, right?

TP Tea Now Selling Bubble Tea Ice Cream at Suntec City and Changi Airport

Image: TP Tea SG Facebook Page

And it’s not just bubble-tea flavoured ice cream. That would be so boring.


It comes with real pearls too.

Plus, don’t be fooled by the picture.

According to the folks at, the bubble tea ice cream is also available at Suntec City.


For Those Who Wants A Twist To A Twist

TP Tea is also selling another soft serve that’s sure to pique your interest.

Tie Guanyin Soft Serve with Pearls. And it’s being raved about online right now. 


Each cup of the soft serve will set you back by $4.60.

But judging by the response to this item, it’s pretty much guaranteed that you’ll get your money’s worth.

Just be careful, you might get addicted.


And that’s not a good thing because it’s a time-limited item.

Image: TP Tea SG Facebook Page

So what are you waiting for? Time to grab your friends and head on down either to their Suntec City outlet:

  • Suntec City (West Wing)
  • 3 Temasek Boulevard, #01-312, Singapore 038983
  • 11 am to 10 pm daily

Or their outlet at Changi Airport:

  • Changi Airport Terminal 2
  • 60 Airport Blvd, Singapore 819643
  • Opened 24/7

For The Truly Adventurous

Like we’ve mentioned, this is now the era of #bubbleteaeverything, so is it really surprising that alcohol bubble tea exists?

Not only that, they sell cotton candy bubble tea too.



Check out the full article we did on them just a few months ago.

You’re welcome! 😉