You can now officially get answers to your homework with a S’pore app

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:55 pm

We all have times when we struggled with our homework and didn’t know where to get help. Our classmates or friends were also busy with their own homework. Some of us were paiseh to ask teacher for help also, or rather more afraid of getting scolded for not paying attention in class. Now with this locally developed app that is available on Android and Apple devices, you can now ask questions without feeling malu!

How it works
Queri was developed hand in hand by Mr Dexter Tan and Mr Jason Ng. The app allows users, ranging from primary level all the way to post-graduates, to ask questions through purchasing credits from them. They charge 5 credits for $10 and 20 credits for $25. When you first install the app, you’re automatically given 2 credits by default. When listing your question, there are 22 categories to categorise your question under. For example, maths, biology, accounting, etc. Also, they provide extra services such as printing a copy of all the answers you’ve received. If you’re worried about getting inaccurate answers, fret not. Queri has a rating system which allows users to give positive ratings to the “tutor”. After all, you’re more likely to accept help and trust someone with better ratings, right?

The user interface was pretty simple and clean-looking. The app even encourages users to set up their profile, listing their educational level and age.  This helps the “tutor” to have a better understanding of the educational background of the “student”. Also, just like any other social media platforms, you’re able to upload an avatar or rather a display picture. Maybe with your pretty/handsome face you can charm the “tutor” for free tuition? 😉 Or maybe upload a picture of Zac Efron or Cara Delevingne to feel like a celeb.

According to the Google play store reviews, quite a number of users rated the app 5/5 stars. Many complimented that the waiting time for an answer was short and the answers were easy to understand. Besides, whenever users leave a feedback about a problem or a bug issue, the developers were quick to provide assistance as well as to rectify the problem.

Mr Tan has added that this app is to target students that are not yet financially independent and have limited spending power. Also, he aims to reduce the amount of tuition that students need through the homework help they can get from the app at reasonable prices. When help for homework is given outside of tuition, there will be more time for tuition teachers to clarify certain concepts and if possible, teach ahead of the syllabus to give students a headstart.

Indeed, Mr Tan and Mr Ng has proved that Singaporeans are capable of inventing and developing useful tools to help improve the ways of our society. The Goody Feed Team would like to commend them for their innovative and never say die spirit!