You might not know this: You shouldn’t shampoo your hair every day. Here’s why

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:54 pm

Taking a bath has become a daily routine for us, as we wash away the dirt and grime that we inevitable collect from outside. For most of us, we lather up our head blithely everyday never giving a single thought to this process.

Naturally, we do this to not look like a homeless person, with greasy, stringy hair framing our faces. I hate to break this to you, but is is actually not necessary to shampoo everyday, in fact it is advisable to not shampoo everyday. Of course, personal hygiene is very important and is not an excuse to be unkempt!

Our hair produces oils, also known as sebum and shampoo helps to break down the oil and dirt in your hair which you will then rinse out. For the most part, some natural oil is great for your hair, using shampoo everyday will cause your hair to dry out. The sebum actually acts as a barrier of protection for your scalp and hair.

As a rule of the thumb, people who have thicker and produces less oil can get away with washing as little as possible. The average person needs to shampoo on alternate days, or even every 2 to 3 days.

This is no hard and fast rule, if you notice that your hair could really benefit from a bout of washing, by all means go ahead. This means no ignoring itchy scalp, greasy locks or even flakes, once you notice that it means that it’s time to lather up.

Be warned though, if you are a routine shampooer and start to wash your hair less, there will be a transition period which will be slightly uncomfortable. Once your scalp adjusts itself, you will be looking like your usual gorgeous self in no time.

Not shampooing daily also helps you to save money, especially if you have long hair. Just imagine all the money saved from all the shampoo and conditioner you don’t have to buy so frequently anymore.  And if you have dyed your hair some funky colour that seems to be all the rage nowadays, you can make the colour last longer before you need to shell out the big bucks for a touch-up.

Hairstyles last longer as well, as the texture of your hair is better and this goes for all kinds of hairstyles. Typically, if you follow our advice and stop shampooing everyday, you will soon notice that you are the proud possessor of strong, healthy, shiny tresses.

Top Image: beeboys /