Youth Pushed Girl in Supermarket Trolley On The Road Presumably For IG

When you’re young, you fear nothing. Nothing’s too dangerous to try, as long as you look cool doing it.

#YOLO, that’s what they call it.

And some, have died for it. Like Chinese rooftopper, Wu Yongning. He, unfortunately, fell from the top of a skyscraper to his death.

Now zoom in on Singapore and you’d find that we have our own share of daredevils.

Youth Pushes Girl in Supermarket Trolley On Road Against Traffic

A video has been circulating online for the past three days. It shows a youth pushing a girl in a supermarket trolley on the road. Against the traffic. At full speed.

The video was shot at night and a taxi could be seen driving on the opposite lane, the same direction that the youth and girl are speeding in.

Thankfully, there were no vehicles travelling on the road at that time. The person taking the video could be heard egging them on, even calling them “champions”.

You know what, just watch the video for yourself:

Tag a friend you’d do this with🛒😂

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The video was uploaded by IG account, netizensofsingapore with the caption: “Tag a friend you’d do this with.”

The video has over 12,000 views at the time of writing. For an IG video, that’s considered a viral hit.

Netizens’ Reaction

Some think they’re being nuisances

Others figured this is a pretty dumb thing to do.

Some thinks the younger generation is really hopeless.

But majority of the comments on the video in Instagram has people tagging their friends, some even saying they’ll try it.

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This video comes a few days after another boy went #YOLO

Just a few days back, we wrote about this youth who decided that it was a good idea to run onto a busy Bukit Batok road and do some push-ups.

This video showed a Singaporean youth running onto the road. And it’s not exactly a quiet road. In fact, a car passed by before he ran onto the road.

While his friends were laughing in the background, he ran into the middle lane and knocked it down. After 5 push-ups, he dashed his way back to safety.

The incident allegedly happened at Bukit Batok, according to Shin Min Daily News.

(So, no, it’s not that Bukit Batok Road that people who took their lessons and TP test in BBDC)

Netizens didn’t react really well to the video and slammed the kids for endangering not just themselves, but the road users too.

So there we are, hoping desperately that this is a one-time thing. That no other people will be foolish enough to do such a thing.

Well, we found our hopes dashed.

Although to be honest, when you live in Singapore long enough, you’d know that having your hopes and dreams dashed isn’t all that uncommon.

Just talk to Ben Davis.


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