YouTuber Finds Cockroaches In PS4 And Gets Flak, But It’s A Common Problem


Let me see how many of you I can freak out just by saying one word.



Look, I think the general consensus is that roaches are pretty dirty and disgusting.

They can’t physically do anything to you, they’re just really disgusting and potentially carry around weird sicknesses and diseases.

So let me describe a scenario: you’re a gamer at home one day and you decide it might be a good day to clean your PS4. You take the console apart and prep your cleaning tools…

…and then you find it infested with roaches.

Encroaching Chaos

Well, I don’t know if that was the situation exactly, but YouTuber Vito took to twitter to post a similar story.

Warning: Contains images of real cockroaches, look at your own risk.


So if you scrolled really fast and missed it, let me describe the picture to you: there lies an open PS4 console with cockroaches at every nook and cranny.

Sorry if you were planning to eat.

Vito claims that the ventilation holes on the console allowed roaches to enter in very easily. He even asked Sony to design the console better.

Yet, a chunk of the replies on his twitter post think otherwise. In fact, people just chalked it up to bad house cleanliness.

Image: Twitter (@VitoGesualdi)
Image: Twitter (@VitoGesualdi)

Ok, this next one I just had to include.

Image: Twitter (@VitoGesualdi)

I’ve personally owned a PS4 for three years and I haven’t encountered any roach issues before, so it can be pretty easy to just write this guy off.

Not An Uncommon Issue

You’re probably reading the title right now and going, “Really?”

Cause I am.


According to video game website Kotaku, this problem may be more prevalent than it sounds.


Consoles are commonly stored or placed at a low height, surrounded by cables and other wires where it is dark and in an enclosed space. Basically free attraction for the creatures.

PS4s also have large ventilation grates which are also at the bottom of the console, making it easy for roaches to get in.

These roaches then take up space inside the console, spread waste and potentially breed inside and eventually make the console stop working.

Image: Giphy

And suddenly some of my friend’s stories of PS4s just dying make sense.

Can We Stop This?

So first of all, a super obvious one.

Please clean your house, room, flat or wherever you live. Cockroaches are often found in places with lots of filth and moisture.


And if you don’t already clean your room periodically what the heck are you doing?

Image: MemesHappen

Another tip could be to try and store your PS4 somewhere not so low to the ground, preferably in a slightly more exposed area.

This would make it hard for the cockroaches to get up to the console, or near it at all for that matter.

Does this mean don’t get a PS4? Not at all! Just take care of your stuff properly, please.