10 Painful Struggles Only Someone Who Has Worn Braces Before Can Relate To


Last Updated on 2021-10-22 , 6:28 pm

The sacrifices we all make just for a beautiful smile aren’t just about spending money to whiten your teeth, or about spending time to brush your teeth. Some of us have to put on braces – and while it seems harmless, the number of sacrifices made is crazy.

Don’t believe me? Then you should be one who doesn’t need them. Now, you lucky fellow, here’re the pains that we all feel.

1. You think twice before eating something chewy

I’ve once stared at a Mars chocolate bar for ten minutes and decided to have it—only to regret my decision. Read #7.

2. Tightening them regularly is a pain in the…mouth

My friends thought all I need was two visits: one to install and one to uninstall. You think braces are Microsoft Office arh?

3. The decision made is fast and furious

When the dentist suggests braces, you think no further and act on it. That’s fast. Furious is when your friends don’t need it and you need. Why is the world so unfair?

4. You can’t forget the pain when you first got it on

It’s like a toothache, but ten times more painful. But the physical pain is not as painful as the mental pain of drinking just milk as your meals for days after that.

5. That rubber band feel in your mouth

Really. It does feel like a few thousand rubber bands. Bonding your two rows of teeth together.

6. Being misunderstood as a cold person because you don’t smile often

We don’t because we don’t want our braces to shock you. Not all are transparent, you know. Some are so reflective, we might just blind you.

7. Going to the toilet after every meal

Because food got stuck in your braces and you can’t remove it in front of anyone. It’s not like using a toothpick would work immediately, ya know. The braces are harder than the toothpick #justsaying

8. Smiling in photos is tricky

Do you, or do you not, show your colourful braces? Do you, or do you not—click! Gone case. You’ve not smiled at all.

9. You can’t pronounce some words clearly

And the world thinks you’re just bad in English. Trust me, you’ll rather them to think that way than to explain.

10. The feel of rubbing your teeth with your tongue after braces are removed is…priceless

Words can’t describe how it feels. Or maybe there’s a word: empty.

Featured Image: Olga Miltsova / Shutterstock.com