14 drastic changes you will undergo when you enter the workforce


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:43 pm

Fast forward six months for every fresh-eyed, bushy-tailed graduate that enters the workforce and you’ll simply get this.

Your job seems to have taken a life on its own

Work taken over Life

No, seriously it’s a living breathing thing and it seems to overshadow, well, your life.

You could weep at the thought of those glorious three-month summer breaks back in uni

Work Missing Holiday

Why were you impatiently filling up your summer breaks with internships? It’s not as if you’re NOT going to spend the rest of your life working. Now all you have are your 14 days of annual leave. Ah, maybe it’s better not to think about it.

You get up with the chickens

Work and Waking Early

Even on a Saturday. Ohh boy, that body clock.

But then again, it has made you more disciplined?

Work with maximum productivity

Who knew that those hours between 8am to 2pm actually existed! Much productivity.

Your already-questionable exercise regime has gone nuts.

Work and Exercise


No wonder everyone signs up for classes. You gotta feel the pinch from the thought of losing money before you have the discipline to stick to it! But look at that spare tire that’s growing from sitting down all day having heavy lunches, man I need to sign up for an exercise class NOW!

Family time becomes indescribably precious.

Annual Work Leave Holiday

My heart broke a little when my little brother said “Can you play with me tonight? If not, Monday to Friday you’re always at work.”

You start to spend at a never-before-seen rate.


Work and Finance Money Spending

The balance in your bank account is indirectly proportional to the number of office farewell dinners and team lunches in a month. Oh, I almost forgot about all the delicious (but expensive) comfort food on Mondays.

You find yourself speaking in your work jargon outside of work.
“…damage control” “Please get back to me by…”. What’s going on?!


You have a much lower tolerance for shoddy work.

Demanding Quality Work


EXCUSE ME? Do you really have the audacity to present this half-baked specimen that you call your best effort to me? To ME? Erhem…

Basically expecting more accountability in every aspect of life really.

Spending at Work

You honestly needed 3 months to pay me back for Christmas dinner? How are you even going to pay your bills on time like this?

Grocery shopping has become a staple of your weekly routine


Work and grocery shopping at supermarket

Walking along aisles and aisles of crockery, cereals and fruits – That’s your favourite past time now!

Caffeine is now an irreversibly important part of your life

Energy at Work

You’ve moved on from frothy hipster foam art lattes to kopi o gao gao!

You feel a sense of comradeship with your fellow men

Work Morning Rush Hour Train

You begin to think that the MRT is just shipping crates of workers to and fro everyday.


Ambition isn’t a passionate craze, it’s a slow boil in your blood

Work, ambition and passion

From the hot-blooded youth set to change the world to the thoughtful strategist, planning and always looking to the future.

All images from fiit.sg

Top Image: Adisorn Saovadee / Shutterstock.com

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