5 Benefits Of Drinking Plain Water On An Empty Stomach


Last Updated on 2018-05-06 , 3:18 pm

You know how it is in the morning. The alarm shakes you out of your slumber, and your throat feels all dry. You need a drink – ASAP.

You stumble out of your bed and your room, and head into the kitchen. There, you find your mum making breakfast already, and there’s a hot pot of coffee waiting for you.

Hmm.. Not yet brush teeth leh. Can drink coffee straight ah? Or should you take a glass of water?

Here’s what we found out. Apparently, a couple of amazing things happen if you take the blue pill. Or in this case, plain water.

The Japanese Culture

If you take a look at the Japanese ladies, you’ll find that they always look athletic and toned. Their morning ritual? Drink water immediately the moment they wake up in the morning.

According to their culture, it is a water treatment of sorts, which has apparently also been proven to eliminate your body from various disorders.

In case you didn’t know this, the Japanese people hardly ever have to suffer from things like diabetes and obesity.

Image: lifehack.org

1. Why Drinking Water is Crucial

Our body is made up of a great amount of water, so it’s only right that we “top it up” to ensure our bodies work properly.

If you allow your body to dehydrate over a long term (especially if you don’t consume the right amount of water), you’re looking at diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, hypertension, haemorrhoids, kidney stones, and even some forms of cancers.

Kick all these bad guys away by starting your mornings with a good glug of water.

2. Kick Your Metabolism Up

Drink water on your empty tummy, and you’re upping your metabolic rate by a bare minimum of 24%. That also links to your digestive system, by the way, so it will function better too.

When you drink water immediately after you rise, you’re also purifying your colon. This helps it to absorb nutrients more efficiently.

3. Prettier Skin

No need to spend so much of money on facial and beauty products. If you don’t sort out your dehydration issue, nothing is going to stop you from ageing quickly. Drink at least 500mls of water in the morning, and your blood flow will ease, making your skin glow in the process!

4. Reinforcing A Healthier You Via Weight Loss

If you start drinking water the first thing every morning, you’re getting your body to purify itself by removing all the toxins from within, and this will also help you reduce your cravings.

You won’t feel hungry 24/7 and look for food centres all the time – no more overeating!


5. Boost Your Immune System

Flush your lymphatic system and balance it out with one simple practice in the morning – good old water. Your immunity also goes up, and you won’t be going to the doctor all the time!

There, now you know. Keep a bottle of water next to you before you sleep at night, and when you wake up, reach for that first instead of your phone. Your body will thank you.

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