5 Misconceptions About Zika Virus That Every S’porean Should Know


We all heard about the Zika Virus but recent news shocked many after the first case of the disease hit Singapore, sealing it closer to home. However, though everyone knows that the virus is highly dangerous and have to be prevented at all costs, we are not thoroughly educated about the causes and symptoms, leading to many myths and misconceptions, leading to unnecessary panic.

Zika is a recently discovered virus

Although we only got to know about Zika through the news recently, the virus was not recently discovered. It dates back to 1947 in the Zika forest in Uganda and had its first human case in 1952. It was in recent years 2015 and 2016 where the virus spread rapidly to other countries including Brazil, Mexico, South America, United States and Singapore.

Image: www.cnn.com

You can only get the Zika Virus through mosquito bites

Whenever discussion was made about the Zika Virus, the first thing that is formed in people’s minds are probably the images of pesky mosquitos and its bites. Many, especially pregnant women are more cautious and stocked up on increased quantity of insect repellents and mosquito patches.

Although, victims are infected through mosquito bites, there are other means of spreading the virus and it includes the transmission of blood and through sexual intercourse. It has been reported that the transfusion of fluids in the body during sex would affect the other partner to incur symptoms.

If you’re infected with the Zika Virus, you’ll suffer from devastating symptoms

Many think of the worst case scenario when they’re bitten while some panic because of their lack of knowledge on the symptoms that would appear if they are infected.

Although some symptoms are mild, studies have shown that symptoms of the Zika Virus are quite similar to Dengue and includes fever, rash, joint pain, headache, muscle pain and red eyes.

Image: trem.org

Zika can be passed through kissing

Because studies and reports have shown that the virus can be transferred through sexual intercourse, many believed that kissing should be avoided to prevent further spread as well. Though it’s good that precautionary measures are taking place, doctors and health officials have mentioned that reports detected the virus to be transmittable through blood, semen, vaginal fluids, urine, and saliva but no evidence has been found through kissing.

Image: youtube.com

The virus can be spread through breastfeeding

Mothers are probably the one freaking out the most when it comes to the Zika Virus as they run the risk of having their perfect baby be born with an abnormally small head if infected. To protect their baby, they are trying all means to keep their child safe and secure and questions of whether breastfeeding is acceptable are raised.

Studies have shown that there is no evidence and reported cases of the Zika virus being transferred through breastfeeding and mothers are encouraged to continue.

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com.