Here’s How You Can Make Caramel Pudding with Condensed Milk at Home


Last Updated on 2023-05-14 , 11:33 am

Do you love condensed milk? If you do, we got another way you can enjoy that sweet piece of heaven you probably didn’t know of. Here is something else you can do with your (sweetened) condensed milk, besides pouring it into your kopi.


Put your can of condensed milk into a pressure cooker. Yes, the whole can.


Fill the pressure cooker with water, ensuring that it is enough to completely cover the can.


Cover the pressure cooker and set it at low heat for 30 minutes.

After this, you can whip out that can of condensed milk, leave it to cool and find out that you have just created your own can of…. caramel pudding!

If you do not have a pressure cooker

Alternatively, you can put the can of condensed milk in a normal pot of boiling water (make sure that the can is always fully submerged) and leave it there for 3 hours.

Perhaps the best part about this is the texture of the caramel which is warm and smooth.

This “caramel” is also known as dulce de leche, or candy made of milk in some parts of the world. It is very popular in France, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, among others. As water in the milk evaporates due to high heat, the mix thickens.


Here are some ways you can use this:

  • As a spread for your bread.
  • As a topping for your ice-cream.
  • As a topping for your cakes, muffins, brownies and cookies.
  • As a spread for your pancakes and waffles.

Try this out and let us know what you think!