Another S’pore Mercs Robbed in JB in the Same Disturbing Way


Just a week ago, we published an article on how a Singaporean Mercs driver was robbed in Johor, and posed a question on whether or not it’s feasible to drive a luxury car over to the north.

But it didn’t take long before another incident occurred, and it is disturbingly similar.

This time, however, the driver wasn’t alone: he was with his 20-year-old sister, his aunt in her 60s and a 12-year-old boy. But that didn’t stop the robbers.

The modus operandi by the robbers is, however, extremely similar: a motorcycle fell, and a group of people demanded compensation.

According to Asiaone, the driver had apparently tried to drive off but was chased down by the group of motorcyclists, which increased to 10 of them from the initial 5.

Just like the previous incident, it happened on a congested highway, and somewhere near Yong Peng, a stop that coaches would usually stop for a rest.

When Mr Jay, the driver, came out of the vehicle, he was beaten up. The robbers were about to strike more when five motorists stopped the attack.

After giving the robbers $660, the robbers had demanded for his phone when they suddenly fled. A minute later, the police arrived.

While he was not severely injured, his car had to be repaired with a estimated repair cost of $30,000.

And just like the previous victim, Mr Jay now decided to take the plane to Malaysia instead of driving there.

So this leads me to ask the same question again: what if you have only a Mercs, and you need to go up north to Malaysia? Would you drive up, or would you take the plane now?

Well, at least two Mercs owners are going to take the plane now.

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This article was first published on

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