Guys, People Born in Year 2000 Are Going for NS Now. Still Feeling Young?


Remember those kids laughing and shouting, “Baldy, baldy!” when you shaved your head in preparation for enlistment?

Well, you’ll be happy to know that it’s going to be their turn soon.

But it also confirms a nagging suspicion hovering at the back of your head, one that you absolutely refuse to acknowledge.

You’re getting old.

Image: Imgflip

It’s National Service time

According to Channel News Asia, male Singaporean citizens and permanent residents born between Oct 2000 and Jan 2001 will have to “register for national service between Nov 1 and Nov 21.”

Image: Imgflip

Well too bad, you little punk.

They can either opt to register online at or head on down to the Central Manpower Base (CMPB) podium at 3 Depot Road for personal registration.

This was in a media release by the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF), on Thursday (Oct 19).

Those registering at CMPB should bring along their NRIC or birth certificate, education certificates, citizen certificates (if any) and other documents as specified in the registration notice.

For those looking to chao keng- I mean postpone, to complete their studies, they may do so online or in person. Should the application be successful, the registrant will receive a follow-up notice stating when he has to report for enlistment.

Lastly, “if a person does not meet the postponement criteria or is unsuccessful in his postponement application, he must choose a date between 27 Dec 2017 and 3 Feb 2018 for his medical screening during registration, and go for this screening at CMPB on the appointed date between 8 am and 1 pm.”


Honestly, it feels good to see the younger generation stepping up.

Because you know what they say, “As long as you’re not the one that kena, everything’s fine.”

I’m just sadistic like that.

But of course, it’s for a good cause: if nobody takes up the mantle, Singapore will be left as naked as your buttcheeks in a bar famed for its cougars on a cold, winter night.

There’s no protection.


So yeah, thank you for your sacrifices, young ‘uns!

On another note, any other queries for the old guy who’s done with his National Service?

Image: Imgflip

Good question. Let me just pass that to my mentor, who’s coached me in the arts of Barbie for the past 22 years.

And there you go.


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