Man Dumped Entire Box of Popcorn On Woman’s Head Cuz She Won’t Stop Using Her Phone


There are many despicable, unforgivable crimes in this world: scamming the poor, bribery,  arson, etc. etc.

But none, in my opinion, comes close to the inconsiderable act of using your phone in the cinemaNone.

Image: WorldOfBuzz

Just imagine sitting down there, trying to enjoy your good ol’ movie when someone whips out a phone and start texting.


Having been a victim of it, I can safely say this: I’m sick and tired of it happening. Time after time. But of course, I just let it all happen. What can I do, dump popcorn on their heads?

Image: WorldOfBuzz

You can do that?!

What happened?!

It all started when a man and his wife went on a movie date in the Fuyang District, China on 24 February.

However, instead of focusing on the large screen as a normal movie goer will, he found his attention drawn to a young lady seated at the front row. The reason?

She was using her phone.

Which would have been pretty acceptable had it been before the start of the movie, but the thing’s that she’s still using it after the movie started. To make it worse, the brightness of her mobile phone was brighter than average.

While other people might have gritted their teeth and withstood it (like me), this man didn’t. Instead, he approached the lady by tapping on her shoulder, and asked her:

“Hi there, this is a cinema, where everyone is here to enjoy a movie. With your continuous texting and bright mobile phone screen, how are we supposed to enjoy the movie?”

The lady, however, paid no attention to him and continued using her mobile phone.

This proved to be the last straw for the man.

Grabbing a box of popcorn from his wife, he dumped it on her head.

A pity there wasn’t any actual footage, but I suspect it went something like this:


I would have been incredulous if the lady hadn’t responded after that, and I wasn’t disappointed. Putting her phone aside (it works?!), she started shouting at him, asking why he did that.

Almost immediately, people stepped in before things got ugly. Ier.

It wasn’t the end

After the movie ended, the duo chanced upon each other while waiting for the escalator. But instead of flying popcorn, insults and fists went flying. Before long it became a practical bloodbath, with the lady’s husband and sister joining the fight.

Even with the police’s intervention, things didn’t ease up. So they had to move to Chengdong police station, where the involved parties finally calmed down after the police gave advice and stuff.


As a final note, they apologised to each other and shook hands in a sign of peace.

Though I have a feeling it’s just something to shut the police up. Like this.

Image: WordBite

Popcorn, anyone?

Not saying that what the guy did was right, but he really showed how it’s done.

Truly, I’m amazed.

Image: Giphy

In fact, I would totally do it the next time I see such a jerk, but then again…

Wouldn’t it be a waste of good popcorn?
