Parent Told Her Kid to Just Pee into a Bowl at a Restaurant. I Can’t Even.


In this world, there are three kinds of mums: the Mother Teresa, the Ronda Rousey, and your own mum.

But unbeknownst to me, there’s actually a fourth.

The Rabak One.

Check this out: a mother had asked her toddler son to do his “business” in an empty soup bowl.

In a public restaurant.

Complication? There are restroom facilities at every level for the customers’ convenience.


The incident, that had happened in Beijing, China made it to the media, and was subsequently uploaded to Youtube.

The mother was apparently at the restaurant with her toddler son when he had told her that he needed to go to the toilet.

Being young, one would expect her to take him there.

The mother, however, decided to take a rather unconventional route: she asked him to pee in one of the empty soup bowls they had on the table.

Image: News

When someone witnessed it and stepped up to reprimand her, she was totally ‘logical’ about it.

“It doesn’t matter because the restaurant is going to wash the dishes anyway!”


This is the first time

According to one of the staff at the restaurant, it was the first time they had encountered such a problem.

“We really don’t understand why the customer didn’t just bring her son to the toilet. We have restroom facilities at every level for customers’ convenience.”

They subsequently disposed all the cutlery used by the mother and son.


I think I can understand her intentions, Mr Staff.

Believe it or not, she actually meant well for the restaurant.

By infusing the bowl with pee, she was actually enacting a live demo of what not to do in a restaurant, so that other consumers would not exhibit the same tasteless behaviour.

Quite brave of her, really.

“It doesn’t matter because the restaurant is going to wash the dishes anyway!”


Quote of the day, guys.

Go ahead and pee on the floor, too. People mop it anyway.

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