After You See This Hilarious Video Of What Russian Soldiers Eat, You’ll Love SAF Cookhouse Food


Last Updated on 2017-12-17 , 1:08 pm

The NS experience is something every Singaporean guy, and some ladies will go through.

And the number one complaint anyone has about NS life will be the cookhouse food.


But trust me, once you watch this video of what the Russian army has in their cookhouse, our SAF cookhouses will probably feel like Michelin star restaurants in comparison.

No joke, this one.

Russia Soldier Performs Magic With Cookhouse Food

You know things are getting serious when you can perform magic with the food you’re given.

Uploaded by Facebook page From Яussia with Love, it shows a soldier showing off his meal for the camera.

No matter how he turned or banged the plate, the suspicious food item (I’m thinking mashed potato) never falls from the plate.

I’ve never seen food behave like that in my life.

Okay, yes, except that one time when I tried cooking something at a chalet during a secondary school gathering.

I’m not sure about you, but next time, whenever I go back for reservist, I’ll give the cookhouse Very Good every time there’s a cookhouse survey.

Because #ThingsCouldBeSoMuchWorse.

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Feature Image: From Яussia with Love Facebook Page /


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