Today (31 Aug) is the Last Day of Hungry Ghost Festival. Here’s What You Shouldn’t Do


With Pokémon GO’s launch coinciding with the Hungry Ghost Festival, I won’t blame you if you’ve forgotten that in the last 31 days, there’re actually spirits roaming the streets with wild Pokémon. They might not spawn or be caught, but you’ll have definitely seen the burning everywhere.

And of course, I won’t be surprised that you didn’t know today (31 August 2016) is the last day of the Hungry Ghost Festival.

After all, last year, many of our readers were searching for “hungry ghost”, but this year, most of them were searching for “rare Pokémon”.

So, what would you be expecting on the last day?

Other than lesser people roaming the streets for Snorlax (primarily because people are getting sick and tired of Pokémon GO), you’ll see people burning more offerings, be it outside your house or your office.

It’s recommended that you should not do anything that traps spirits during this period, because they’re now on their way back to hell. Here’s a list of don’ts.

  • Kick or disturb offerings (they’ll get angry and look for you instead of going back)
  • Leave your main door open (they might mistake your door as the gates back to hell)
  • Open an umbrella inside your house (they might be inside your umbrella)

Not that tough, isn’t it?

But here’s something you might not know: today, some monks might chant to make the spirits leave our world.

The spirits allegedly hate the sound and therefore would go back to where they came from. According to some legend, due to the disturbing sound, the spirits might scream and wail. So, don’t be alarmed if you hear something tonight—it’s not a Snorlax spawning.

Featured Image: Ngo Thye Aun /

This article was first published on