This university spent 1 billion RMB to build a campus that looks even better than USS theme park


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:43 pm

Us Singaporeans are actually pretty proud of our local Universities, both academics and facilities wise. The National University of Singapore (NUS) has been recognised to be one of the top universities in the region and the campus itself is not too shabby either.

The Kent Ridge Hall dormitories are satisfactorily clean and habitable, and while not extravagant, leaves nothing much to be complained about. Until we saw this university, that is.

Recently, there was news of a University in Chengdu, China, that cost 1 billion RMB (~SGD$207,880,376 yes that’s two hundred over million) to build. Named the ‘Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation’ and aimed at training those interested in the aviation sector, here’s why it cost so much to build.


Rather than the normal boring University campuses that we’re mostly used to, this campus is built with a ‘European-style’ concept which lauded impressive red-brick walls and arched gates.

The streets of the campus do not look like something you would expect to find in China or even Asia. Instead, you will probably feel like you’re in an exotic and expensive country.


Even just looking at the pictures makes me feel as though I’ve been transported to a lovely traditional small town in the England countryside, certainly not an image I would associate China with.

It’s not even just the exterior of the campus that looks wonderful, but much effort (and money) has been spent on making the inside of the building just as luxurious and grand too.

Boasting spectacular features such as high ceilings and french windows, the interior of the buildings certainly do the job of making the students feel as though they’re studying in a palace and not a simple university. Yes, we are talking about things like chandeliers and grand pianos (anyone reminded of the movie where Jay Chou travelled to the past, or the Korean drama–Dream High?).

Referring to itself as ‘The most beautiful university in China” despite the many disparaging comments made by netizens, it is definitely not difficult to see why they have the guts to come out and say so.


And to top it off, the school isn’t stopping at the facilities and infrastructure of the campus. It was reported that to get into the college as a flight attendant, you must be good-looking and at least 174cm for males and 163cm for females. In addition to that, the men cannot be too intimidating, too feminine or too rough. Talk about expectations, huh.


I believe that Singapore won’t be building such a beautiful university campus anytime soon, or even in the far future, not with our utilitarian mindset. For now, let us just appreciate the local universities that we have even though they might not have greek statues or roman arches.