This Video about Upbringing Has Garnered Over 1 Million Views for a Good Reason


Last Updated on 2022-11-07 , 4:32 pm

Parenting has never been easy. Especially with the growing population of demanding kids in the strawberry generation, it is even more important to instill important values into our children. What happens if we don’t?

Take a look at this video.

Upbringing of Our Children

穷爸爸 vs 富爸爸 Rich father VS poor father…………宠爱或严格对孩子?

Posted by BEe Production on Tuesday, 18 April 2017

(Take note that there is a typo in the video; It’s 20 years later* not 20 years ago!)

This video has gone viral and have since garnered over 1 Million views for a good reason. It has highlighted the issues we face nowadays. The problem with our strawberry generation is because they are not able to take pressure and demand things to be always going according to their way.

Do we blame our children if they turn out this way? No, we should start from our own parenting to teach them important values. Children learn as they grow, if we keep sheltering them, they will never be able to stand up for themselves after falling down, as shown in one of the scene.

Although the video has compared the differences in the upbringing between a rich and a poor father, netizens have commented that parenting styles does not have any correlation with wealth.

Rather, it’s the teachings of the father that has affected the child. Which is very true.

While promoting independence is encouraged, a netizen also raised the issue that this method doesn’t work for our modern day children. Rather, we should explain to them the rationale behind our actions and not just let them be.

Remember how our parents used to just throw us to figure out everything on our own? Times have indeed changed, and yes- we should always learn to adapt to it as well. What are your thoughts?