1-Month Training Guide to Ace the Dreaded 2.4 Km Run To Get a IPPT Gold

Last Updated on 2021-06-10 , 5:44 pm

Are you aspiring to clinch an IPPT Gold? Want to conquer your 2.4km run and come out victorious? Well, we’ve got just the training programme for you.

Disclaimer: Do note that you should check with your physician first before commencing on any intense physical activity (especially if you have existing conditions). The training guide outlined in this article is meant to be used as a guideline, and not rules that have to be followed to a T.

How To Train For 2.4KM

To any NSman or NSF, one of the most dreaded stations is the 2.4 km run—after a long hiatus of not running, one can easily drop from a Gold timing to a ridiculous fail timing. So, what are the steps to gain back that fitness within a month?

While many experts would argue that it takes a minimum of two months, we think it’s possible for one month—as long as you’re determined with no health issues. Here’re the steps!

Day 1 to Day 5:
Every day, just run 3 km at an extremely casual pace. This is to condition you to jog at a constant pace for a prolonged period of time. Try not to walk—even if you run at a pace that is slower than walking, continue to run. It’s not physical here: it’s all mental.

Day 6 to Day 10:
With your mind conditioned to run at a constant pace for at least, say, 20 minutes, add some targets to it. For example, if on Day 7, your timing is 20 minutes, then on Day 8, target 19 minutes. It doesn’t matter if the timing is crazily high—it’s still a mental exercise.

Day 11 to Day 20:
Now, the training starts to get a little more intense. There should be two training for each session: one is the 30:60 interval runs that we often do in the army and the other is the casual 3 km run. If possible, do the casual 3 km run first followed by the 30:60 for at least 5 times. The 30:60 is pretty strenuous, so do it every other day.

Day 21 to Day 25:
Now, change it to 60:120 X 4 times. When you sprint, make sure you’re panting like there is no more oxygen in the atmosphere. Go all out…and you’re very close to gaining back your NSF days fitness.

Day 25 to Day 31:
Take your 2.4 km run every other day, and try to improve the timing every time. By now, your timing should have improved, you’ll feel comfortable running 2.4 km and heck, you might be addicted to running. Remember, if you need more running gears, there’s always e-mart!

During the test
Take at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep the day before. One hour before the test, down two Red Bull and have a banana. Take the test at Maju Camp: rumours have it that the route is slightly shorter by about 50 to 100 m. Even if not, the placebo effect would have hopefully motivated you!

After that, just remember to thank us (and most importantly, thank yourself) when you see the “Incentive will be credited to your bank account”.

If you still think you can’t do it, watch this video to the end:

Featured Image: lzf / Shutterstock.com