10 Facts About OT in S’pore All S’pore Employees Should Know (Includes MOM Overtime Policies)

Last Updated on 2024-04-19 , 5:12 pm

Understanding Overtime Pay in Singapore: An Essential Guide

While over here in Goody Feed we believe in efficient time management and, consequently, have a no-OT policy (we love our boss’s saying: “Doing OT means you’re not sharp enough during work hours”), we do acknowledge that overtime is like second nature to many, thanks to our competitive work environment.

MOM Maximum Working Hours

Let’s explore some fascinating facts about working OT in Singapore, particularly centred around MOM overtime policies. This essential knowledge will empower you in your workplace.

The Statutory law states that a full-time worker should not clock more than 44 hours per week. If you’re a non-workman earning less than $2,500 per month or a workman (one involved in manual labour) with a monthly income less than $4,500, you’re eligible for overtime pay when needed.

Intriguing, isn’t it? If you’re taken aback because you know of many folks working overtime without extra pay, don’t worry, there’s more to this story.

Caution! Understand Your Contract Terms on Overtime

Some companies might use ambiguous phrases like “free overtime” in their contracts. If you stumble upon terms suggesting that overtime is part and parcel of your job and will be done without additional compensation, consider it a red flag!

The Ins and Outs of MOM Overtime Pay

Under specific conditions, it becomes obligatory for your employer to shell out your OT pay. If you’re a non-workman earning less than S$2,500 or a workman with a salary under S$4,500, your employer must pay you for OT. And here’s an interesting fact – employers technically can’t swap OT pay with time off. Knowledge is power, right?

The Ceiling on MOM OT Pay

MOM states that the maximum OT pay for non-workmen is capped at a sum of S$2,250 OR an hourly rate of S$11.80. If you ask me, this safety net ensures people like us don’t work ourselves to the bone.

A Peek into MOM Overtime Pay Calculation

The overtime pay offered must be at least one and a half times your basic hourly rate. But remember, intentionally dragging your feet during regular hours to clock in OT could not only risk your OT pay but potentially your job as well.

Timeline for OT Payment

Your OT should reach your pocket within a fortnight (14 days) of receiving your last salary.

Limits on MOM Maximum Working Hours Per Week

MOM ensures that you cannot work more than 72 OT hours every month. If your employer needs more of your time, they’d have to apply for an exemption. And why’s that? Because we’re all humans, not robots!

Overtime Exemption? Not for Everyone!

Certain jobs, like crane operators, ship tanker loaders, and manual blasting workers, are not eligible for OT exemption. Check if your role falls into this category.

Days Excluded from the 72-hour OT Limit

Public holidays and rest days don’t count towards the 72-hour limit unless the work done spills over into usual daily working hours.

Calculating Your Overtime Pay

To calculate your overtime pay, start with your basic hourly pay rate. Multiply it by 1.5 to find your hourly OT pay rate, and then multiply this by the number of OT hours you’ve worked. Voila, there’s your overtime pay!

While these are the general rules, some flexibility might exist depending on company goals. So, don’t cast these in stone. Instead, remember that you, as an employee, have rights.

Feeling more informed about OT pay, MOM maximum working hours, and MOM overtime policies? We certainly hope so!