10 Other Facts About Joseph Schooling You’ll Want to Know Besides His Craving For Chai Tow Kway

By now, Joseph Schooling is a name that is familiar to all Singaporeans. The newly-minted Olympic Gold Medalist has since entered the hearts of many Singaporeans and is here to stay for good.

Other than the fact that he met Michael Phelps when he was 13 and that he loves Chai Tow Kway – the blacker the better, here are 10 other facts you might not have known about Joseph Schooling.

1. He is a TRUE Singaporean

Unlike many rumors, Joseph Schooling is a true-blue Singaporean. Two years ago, his father came out to rebut any suggestions that Schooling is a “foreign talent”. He even filmed a video with The Straits Times, using a mix of Malay and Hokkien.

2. His Tinder Date finally replied to his messages


Talk about missed opportunities. This post became really viral on the Internet, but we are still trying to validate if it is true because of the next point.

3. He actually has a girlfriend

A photo posted by Casey Shomaker (@caseysho) on

And they have been together since August 2015 – which also begs the question on why he would be chatting up a girl in 2016 when he already has a girlfriend. But I mean, since we still do not know the whole truth, we shall not speculate.

4. His girlfriend is smart. Like REALLY smart

A photo posted by Casey Shomaker (@caseysho) on

His girlfriend, Casy Shomaker, is quite an achiever herself. She is currently studying for her doctorate in law at the University of Texas at Austin.

She also has a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry. She was also quite a sportsman who was a volleyball captain and had really outstanding academic results. Definitely a match made in heaven.

5. He left Singapore when he was 13 and moved to Florida


In order to further his passion in swimming, Schooling moved to Florida when he was 13 and was trained by formal Bronze Olympic Medalist – Sergio Lopez. He first trained in Bolles School and lived in a boarding house with older boys.

6. He has been granted deferment from NS until 31 August 2016


In order to prepare for the Rio Olympics, Schooling took a deferment from NS until 31 August 2016. However, according to Defence Minister, Ng Eng Hen, Schooling’s deferment may be granted again if he continues to meet conditions.

Every individual must be able to prove why it is necessary for them to be deferred to train full-time, and each individual will be accessed on a case-by-case basis.

7. He has Olympic DNA


Schooling’s Grand Uncle, Lloyd Valberg was Singapore’s first Olympian to have represented the country in the high jump event in the 1948 Games held in London.

8. He grew up among the hawkers of Marine Terrance and Bedok


Even though these sportsmen have to uphold a strict diet, Schooling loves a good hawker meal at Marine Terrance and Bedok. Who knows? You might have walked past him while queuing for your Bedok 85 Orh Lua.

9. He loves Milo Dinosaur


Other than his favourite hawker food like Chai Tow Kway, Roti Prata and Samy’s Curry, Schooling’s love for Milo Dinosaur goes way back when he was just a kid.

10. He loves football

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Yup, he may be a swimmer, but his heart lies in football – both real and in virtual. He is an avid fan of Team Chelsea and he enjoys playing FIFA.

This article was first published on Goodyfeed.com