10 Places in S’pore That Are Still Believed To Be Haunted

Last Updated on 2021-05-29 , 5:01 pm

Whatever you do, don’t look behind you now.

That’s what your friend would say to you if they were trying to scare you.

Many of us have probably heard from a friend about a ghostly encounter that their friend’s mother’s son’s girlfriend had.

But have you ever had an encounter yourself before? Or are you simply just a thrill-seeker looking for adventure?

Whatever it is here is the list of top 10 places in Singapore that are believed to be haunted. Some are closer to you than you think.

1. The Yellow Tower 

25 years ago, Mr James Soh was out with his girlfriend for a romantic night out at East Coast Park. It ended with one of them dead.

They were stabbed by two assailants (who were never caught btw) and Miss Tan Ah Hong, 21, died from a deep stab wound in the neck, while Mr Soh, then 22, was knifed in the back.

They were at the Amber Beacon tower when the attack happened.

Talk about a date gone wrong. 

The Amber Beacon Tower, also known as the Yellow tower, is allegedly haunted by a spirit. People have claimed to have seen a female ghost crying for help on some night.

Could that be Miss Tan Ah Hong?

2. MRT Stations 

Told you it would be closer than you think it is.

You’ll be surprised by the kind of grounds some MRT stations were built on.

For example, Bishan and Novena MRT stations were both built on the site of former cemeteries.

Passengers at Bishan have reportedly seen “phantom passengers”- those who do not cast any reflections on the windows of the train.

Whereas those at Novena headless ghosts have been sighted at the underpass linking it to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore building.

Next time you seat on the train passing across these stations, try not to look at yourself in the reflection of the windows. Who knows what you might see.

I mean, have you seen this video we’ve done?

3. Bedok Reservoir

What do you do at Bedok Reservoir? It’s probably a nice place to take your date to, for it offers a great view of the sunrise and sunset. If you’re part of your school canoeing team, you probably would have been there once or twice.

Yet behind such a gorgeous and seemingly peaceful place, the site is a pretty well-known suicide destination.

Wow. That twist though.

From 2011 to 2012, six suicides and one attempted suicide took place at the reservoir.

Due to the multiple suicides that happened there, the Government organised an inter-religious blessing session. Religious leaders from eight faiths would take turns to bless the site.

On the morning of the blessing ceremony, the 6th body was found.

Literally had chills when I typed that. 

Some joggers have complained about hearing a ghostly wail at night, along with an invisible force that pulls them towards the waters on their runs at the reservoir.

Signs for 24-hour crisis hotlines can also be spotted there to remind people that life is precious.

4. Haw Par Villa

Formerly known as Tiger Balm Gardens, Haw Par Villa is a tourist hotspot where you can learn more about the various aspects of Chinese Mythology.

It is especially known for the “Ten Courts of Hell” attraction where the vivid wax dioramas depict what happens after death.

Given its eerie and creepy vibe, it is said that tortured screams fill the Ten Courts of Hell when it comes to life at night. Some believe that it is the entrance to one of the gates of Hell.

Some even speculate that the statues are actually dead humans covered in wax.


And now that it’s open at night, it gets a tad scarier.

You can read more about the facts of this tourist hotspot here.

5. Maltida House

Built in 1902, The Matilda House is one of the three coloured haunted houses in Singapore.

Located at Punggol, the house is now off-limits to visitors. The Urban Redevelopment Authority had marked it as a conversation spot.

People have spotted a lady with long hair sitting in the branches of surrounding trees. Some say that the house cannot be demolished, rumour has it that three workers had died trying to demolish the house.

6. Old Upper Thomson Road

Before there was the Marina Bay Street Circuit, the Singapore Grand Prix was held at Thomson Road Road Circuit. The street circuit consists of the old and new Upper Thomson Road.

Notorious for the “Devils Bend” and “Murder Mile”, it saw the death of seven lives during the 11 years of the competition.

Taxi drivers have reported picking up passengers who pay with money that turns into hell notes. Ghostly sightings are also common around here.

So to all the taxi drivers and Grab drivers out there, pick up passengers from this area at your own risk. Don’t scream when you look into your mirror and see no one there even though you could have sworn you just picked up a girl in a little red dress five minutes ago.

7. Home Team Academy

Located just a short distance away from Lim Chu Kang cemetery, many stories have been told about this place.

According to 8 Days, a girl once dropped off her brother there for his National Service when she saw a woman with long hair and white clothing sitting on the rooftop of the bus stop.

A police officer told her that he had seen a long-legged, long-armed woman (a slender woman is that you????) being covered in long black hair sitting in the bleachers near the firing range.

He has also seen someone walking outside his office window.


8.  Orchard Road

I know right. You go there, I go there, everyone goes there. How could it be?

But did you know that Ion Orchard and Ngee Ann City were both once graveyards?

Employees at Ngee Ann City have had many ghost citings. Noel and Mr Yasser, ghost investigators and claimed that one of them had an encounter in the hotel there.

“I heard a female voice a few times in my room and the faucet in the toilet was turned on fully twice.”

Wow. Really didn’t expect this from such a busy area in Singapore. 

Maybe that’s why smoking is banned there. You shouldn’t really disturb the spirits there with your LM Chill.

9. St John Island

Back then, St John Island took on a lot of roles. At various points in the past, it was a quarantine centre, a leper colony, a prison camp and a drug rehabilitation centre.

Many students go to St John Island for school excursions. Many have experienced menacing sightings of men in military garb.

Well, pretty sure you know who those men are. Were, I mean.

10. MacRitchie Reservoir

It is a place where many would go on scenic running trails. Some just want to take a picture and put it on their Instagram to show people that they are sporty.

But did you know that to this day, the place still houses water tombs and a former Shinto Shrine? 

The Shrine, Syonan Jinja was built by the Japanese Imperial Army in remembrance of their fallen soldiers during the Japanese Occupation of Singapore.

If you’re lucky enough to catch the low tide, you can see the water graves that MacRitchie holds.

Have you ever gotten lost in MacRitchie? Your poor sense of direction might not be to blame. In 2008, a jogger was lost in MacRitchie for 18 hours. The Chinese believe that if you find yourself getting lost in MacRitchie it might have been because the ghost had your eyes covered.

Try not to take a picture of yourself at MacRitchie if you are scared of seeing an extra head in the picture.

And that’s it—a comprehensive list of the top 10 places that are believed to be haunted in Singapore.

Now, if you can read through this article, you’re a brave soul. But can you watch this real Singapore ghost story to the end? If you can, then you’re indeed a brave fellow:

Featured Image: Sultonyohe / Shutterstock.com