10 ridiculously silly things we all did in the bus when we were young


Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 10:29 am

For most Singaporeans, the bus is the most common form of transport, especially before the advent of the MRT. SBS buses were also anatomically different back then and that gave rise to many silly actions done on our part. Are you guilty of some of these too back in those days?

Race each other up and down the bus
The aisle that led from the front of the bus to the back looked like a good stretch to run along back then. Sometimes, we would race each other to a seat at the back and see who gets there first before the bus starts to move off.

Try to reach the hand grips
Those of us who were either too young or vertically challenged always tried to reach the hand grips to prove we were getting taller. But most times, we would fail and even hurt ourselves in the process. Well, at least our arms got a little stretching done.

Stick our hands out the window
Back in the days when the windows on buses could be opened and closed manually, putting our hands out the windows, especially on the second level of a double decker bus, was usually done for a dare. If we did that and didn’t flinch, we were brave. If not, we would be taunted for being timid.

Take up the seats at the back of the bus so that we could all talk and play together
Imagine a group of loud talking kids chattering away at the back of the bus. Yes, chaos. So much so that passengers would vacate the seats and move to the front of the bus. We will only lower our volume when the driver shouted at us to keep it down. And even so, only for a couple of minutes.

Sit at the front on the second level of a double decker bus and pretend we are driving the bus instead
The perfect number of friends would have to be 4 to make this work. Of course, the seats desired had to be empty too. This was probably the most entertaining thing we could do on a relatively long commute. Because the bus swayed a little more when you sit on the top deck, the wobbling made it even more exciting as it would feel like we were on a roller coaster of sorts.

Attempt to sit on the stairs of a double decker bus until the driver chases us off
Sometimes the most dangerous place can be the safest too. Yes, I’m talking about the stairs to the second deck. Back then, I remember me and my friends sitting on the steps while waiting to alight. There was no automatic warning system then, so only the screaming voice of the bus driver would make us move.

Using correction fluid to write on the back of the seats
Besides using correction fluid on our school shoes, we also thought it was fun to use them to write messages on the back of the bus seats. Whether it was professing some hidden crush or declaring a friendship, we felt that was the best way for the target of our affections or friends to see and hopefully reciprocate with a message, likewise written with correction fluid.

Press the bell at every stop
This was what some of the naughtier kids would do which kind of backfired because they were making their own journey home longer too. But well, they thought it was funny. Until the bus driver comes stomping towards them and yelling his lungs out at them, that is.

Thinking we can get away with a make-out session at the back of the bus
Couples in school uniform caught engaging in intimate acts was all over the news at one point in time. We thought it was all right and private enough if we got a little lovey-dovey at the back of the bus but we’re wrong. Then again, that was probably the ONLY place and the ONLY time we could really behave this way. So for those who judged, you should have just given it to us as long as we do not go overboard.

Make sure we are right in front of the door when we are about to alight
And to do that, we had to block those who were trying to push their way or out. We would never budge because we were afraid that the door would slam close and we would still be trapped inside the bus. We were not going to that risk so it was either us or the other passengers.