10 signs of a successful woman who won’t show it off


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:53 pm

How would you define success? According to the books, success is explained as having achieved one’s goals and ambitions.

On that same note, we’ve come across a lot of successful women in our lives. It could be someone we know from work who knows how to deliver any task that’s given to her.

She never says, “Oh, I don’t know leh. Can ask someone else ah??”

Let’s take a look at what makes a successful woman, and why she doesn’t have to show off.

She Takes Her Time Seriously
A woman who’s successful knows that every minute counts. You won’t ever find her late for an appointment, or even a company dinner event. She’s also probably up and about by 5 in the morning, and has a morning ritual that includes a silent moment to herself, a yoga workout and her full-on breakfast.

A Great Negotiator
Her prowess is seen when you get to see her full negotiation skills at work. Now that’s a thing of beauty with brains to seal powerful deals in the boardroom.

Delegation of Tasks
A successful woman knows when she’s got too many balls to juggle, and when to delegate them off. Prioritizing on work that really matters, and what is not relevant is key here.

The Mentor
She nurtures people who work under her, and helps them bring out their potential, and understand what they need to improve on.

Always Curious
A successful woman wants to know everything, and is always curious about new things that occur in the workplace and even at home. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it has also led to new ideas, industries and jobs too!

She Listens
A successful lady never interrupts you and your thought process while you’re speaking. She takes in what you have to say, and you as a person, before she decides to respond with her own words and ways.

Her door is always open too, for anyone.

Career Goals are Always in Place
A successful woman doesn’t shout to the whole world that she has a goal, but goes about creating a goal and working towards it. She breaks it down in to short and long term goals, and works towards the end result.

This is one of the strongest words, and a successful woman has practically tattooed to her heart.

She’s Comfortable with Saying “No”
A successful woman knows how to use this word the right way, and without abusing or undermining it.

Persistence is Key
Hell, even Edison failed hundreds of times before he finally created the lightbulb. Success isn’t borne overnight. It takes stamina, patience, and persistence to be a successful woman.


And in case you didn’t notice, none of these points needed a woman to be bossy, a pushover or someone who sucked up to her bosses. It takes more than that to get to the top.

Top Image: Daxiao Productions / Shutterstock.com