10 Things Every S’porean Do IMMEDIATELY Upon Touchdown at Another Country

I’m sure you’ve gone overseas, saw someone and just confidently said, “Confirm that person Singaporean.”

We Singaporeans are a unique and different group of people. While our Singlish gives us away, there’re many other things that we Singaporeans like to do the moment we touch down on another country.

See anything familiar here?

Take photo upon arrival
Seen as “kanchiong” people, before the plane even stops, we’ve already taken out our phones to take photos, Snapchat or Instagram our arrival in another country. Don’t deny it: I’m sure your phone has countless attempts of those perfect shots!

Rush to take our overhead baggage
The minute those seatbelt signs come off, we scurry to open the overhead compartments and grab all our bags. Seeing our love to queue for almost everything, how can we not rush queueing to exit the planes?

How many times have your parents asked you to go to the toilet before the plane lands, but you refuse to? Yet the minute the plane lands, suddenly all urgency goes wild and you dash for the toilet only to find the dreadful toilet queue?

Okay, maybe people from other countries do that as well, but we Singaporeans are so used to empty toilets, we might just KPKB at the queue.

Check for WIFI at airport
While waiting to pass through immigration counters, I’m sure you’re staring into the soul of your phone to search for that ONE useable connection so that you can post photos taken from up in the air and upon arrival. To a Singaporean, the Internet is life.

Scramble to collect luggage
Yes, so you’re finally done with immigrations! Do you realise that it does not make a difference when you rush to be first to stand at the berth to collect your luggage because, for some reason, it will never be the first bag out?

But here’s what a Singaporean will definitely do: complain. “Why always other luggage come out before mine?”

Compare the weather to Singapore
Nine out of ten times stepping out of the airport, you’ve said something about the weather like “Wah, the weather hotter than Singapore” or “If only Singapore weather was as good as this”. Even if we’ve been to the same country countless of times, we still always say the same thing, because we’re never happy with the weather, whether local or overseas.

Buy Sim Card with Data
Either you’ve come prepared and searched for the cheapest and best telco to get your sim card or you will be spending up to 30mins just searching the airport for the data plan perfect for you. Because you got to keep everyone in loop of where you’re going, right?

And remember…to a Singaporean, the Internet is life?

Find transport and realise taxis are damn expensive
Unless your hotel or Airbnb bookings come with a driver to pick you up, many of us are looking for a way to get to our accommodations. Best option, without the fear of getting lost, would be taxi. This is usually when we realise that public transportations are very accessible and convenient in Singapore—and the taxi fares in other countries are crazy.

Get Chewing Gum
The minute we step into a 7-11 or any store, we somehow always come out with the one thing we are not allowed to have in Singapore: chewing gum. It’s fun seeing how the locals laugh at our amazement with the gums!  

Find food
Where there’s a queue and a Singaporean, you can be sure to find us there. We have mad love for food, especially good food accompanied with a queue. If it’s food, and there’s a queue, there’s always going to be a Singaporean there.

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Featured Image: Jaromir Chalabala / Shutterstock.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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