6 things we all miss about the old Woodlands that only Woodland-ers would understand

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:53 pm

Like many other estates in Singapore, Woodlands have gone through various rounds of redevelopment, with its latest being the new Brown line that connects us to Malaysia as well as the Woodlands Bus Interchange. With all these new changes that are in place, it also sparks off certain sense of nostalgia in us as we see the estate transform to fit into the modern image of Singapore. With that said, here are 6 things that we all miss about the old Woodlands that only Woodland-ers would understand!

Credits: asiaone.com

Woodlands Bus Interchange
Man, how do I even go about saying this. Ever since the new bus interchange have been in place, it takes us around 10-15 minutes more to reach the interchange because of the extra route , not including the long distance we have to spend walking to the shopping mall or the MRT station when the buses alight us right at the end of the interchange.

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Processed with VSCOcam with a9 preset

Seeing the Republic Polytechnic kids queue for the bus
This was an old sight for us, especially in the mornings when you see throngs of Republic Poly kids queuing up for the buses. Now, the distance from the new temporary bus interchange to their school is so short that you don’t see this as often anymore.

06 Block 4A Woodlands Centre Road Hawker Centre (Large)
Image: cavinteo.blogspot.com

Old Woodlands Town Centre
The Old Woodlands Town Centre is said to be demolished this year, and in it holds countless of fond memories for us Woodland-ers – the affordable hawker food stalls, the old Shaw-Brothers owned cinema and even the underpass to the Lookout Tower.

Image: throughtheyears87.blogspot.com

Woodlands Cinema
This Shaw Brothers-owned Woodlands Cinema at Old Woodlands Town Centre used to be a popular choice for the residents in the north from the late eighties to early 2000s. With the success of Prince and Jade at Shaw Towers in 1988, Shaw Organisation began to convert their neighbourhood cinemas into cineplexes. Republic, Oriental, Changi and Woodlands were part of the conversion plan.

Image: mynatureexperiences.wordpress.com

The pathway to Woodlands Waterfront
Since Admiralty park is undergoing some redevelopments, we can no longer walk through the park to get to Woodlands Waterfront. Instead, we have to take a bus or walk along the main roads to get there.

Wd TG pond
Image: nparks.gov.sg

Woodlands Town Garden
The Woodlands town garden used to be a bustling hot-spot for couples and families to conjugate during the weekend, or for soon-to-be weds to conduct their wedding photo shoots along the gorgeous lake. Now, the park is as dead as it can be.