10 things you should really communicate with your bae if not…

Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 11:55 am

You are in a serious relationship, and things are moving towards marriage. There are certain things that you should communicate with your bae before moving forward. If not, things might be harder than you thought after the wedding bells are long gone.

Your feelings and emotions
Your partner might know you better than anyone else, but you still need to communicate your feelings and emotions regularly. Tell him/her you feel wonderful when he/she does something sweet, or tell him/her when you get angry, upset, or even disappointed with what he/she might have done. Clear communication of feelings and emotions set the stage for a blissful marriage later on in life.

Your insecurity
It is inevitable that you will have insecurities in your life. No matter what kind of insecurity, you should convey them to your better half. This manages their expectations of you and they would know when to back off when it hits a raw nerve later on in the marriage.

Intimate matters
You should communicate your needs to your partner. This may seem a little early, but it is important that both of you are aligned in this department. It will become a major issue in the marriage if both of you come into the marriage desiring different things and holding different belief or ideas about sex.

Baby matters
Do you want a baby? Do your partner want a baby? You need to communicate with your partner on this very important issue. It creates stress and undue frustration if expectations are not aligned.

Your dreams and aspirations for the future
Share your dreams and aspirations for the future with your better half. It strengthens your relationship and helps the two of you work together for a common goal. It also helps the two of you to envision what the future you will have as a couple.

Financial information
If you are in debt, please tell your partner. It is very important to share financial status with the person you are going to marry. In the event that one of you is unable to contribute actively in the marriage due to debts, both of you might want to consider moving the wedding to a later date.

Your living habits
The way you brush your teeth, the way you place your clothes after changing and the way you hang your jeans in the wardrobe will be a problem for one partner if you do not communicate beforehand how you do all these. Living habits vary and not everyone can be neat and tidy. Partners need to accept the living habits of each other so that these little things will not become an issue after staying together

Always discuss major decisions together
Communicating about major decisions is very important to show respect for the other person. As a couple about to be married, you need to show respect for your better half by communicating all major decisions in your life. Be it a change of job or a change of job role, it is important to discuss how it will impact your lives together and whether your partner is supportive of such a change.

Share your preferred location and kind of housing of your future home
Discuss and agree on your preferred location of your future home. The kind of housing that you are looking for also has to align. Couples who do not agree with the location or the kind of housing will usually end up quarrelling about it.

Share your fantasy for the design of your future home
Couple often quarrel after they got a new house because they could not agree with the design of their future home. Communicate early on what you would like for the design of the home and come to a consensus if both of you like different things. Having it sorted out before the marriage helps to move things along faster during the design period as well, giving your interior designer a lesser headache.

Consider speaking to your partner today and discuss the 10 things list above to help you have a better communication with your needs, wants and desires before moving together as one to enter into a marriage of a lifetime.
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