10 things you’re doing unknowingly that makes people dislike you more


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:53 pm

Sometimes we’re not aware that the things we do actually turn people off and you’ll be surprised to find out how it doesn’t take that much effort to make yourself the most unlikable person on the planet. Have you ever met someone who is easy to dislike? The person doesn’t even need to speak, just one look at them and you’re already annoyed.

Well, maybe because he or she has done one or more of these things. I’m not surprised if you suddenly see one or two things you’re guilty of as well. I have. Who knew being unlikable was so easy!

Getting Too Personal Early in a Relationship
Please. When meeting someone new, it’s only polite that you keep intimate and personal information about your life to yourself. How do you expect someone who barely knows you to react to your recent bad break-up or death in the family? It’s awkward and make you seem insecure. So do set boundaries if you want to make new friends.

Asking Questions Without Talking About Yourself
Do this when you meet someone new and they will just feel like they’re being interrogated and this makes them really uncomfortable. A good conversation between two people involves back and forth discussions, not a one sided Q and A session. Asking questions is a good way to get to know someone and keep the conversation going but it takes two to make it worthwhile. Not talking about yourself at all is just as bad as talking too much about yourself.

Flooding Social Media With Too Many Photos
Based on research, posting too many photos on Facebook does more damage than good to your real-life relationships. Most people especially those who won’t be able to relate to you and your photos will just wonder what you’re trying to prove. From your OOTD to your Starbucks drink, your cat and your selfies, Hashtag enough already.

Super Close-Up
Studies found that really close-up profile photos of a person makes the person seem less attractive, less trustworthy and less competent. The ideal distance of more acceptable photo of faces should photographed 135cm or 4.5 feet away.

Being Too Nice
Yes, apparently there is such thing as being too nice in this world. Being too nice will make you seem like you have a hidden agenda and people will always be suspicious of your niceness because they don’t feel you’re being sincere. You will also be perceived as untrustworthy. So, once in a while it’s best to be a little selfish. You got to be cruel to be kind sometimes.

Not Smiling
No one likes a sour faced person. People who generally smile naturally are more likable and approachable than those who don’t. A smile is welcoming and easy to read so if your default face is a serious one, people would rather stay away. Apparently, a lot of people just don’t want to associate with those with resting bitch face because they feel intimidated. Its okay, I feel your pain.

Complimenting Yourself
Or also known as humble bragging, those who do this often disguise it as self-criticism. For instance, when you walk in for an interview and you’re asked what your weaknesses are and you answer, “I’m too much of a perfectionist” or “I work too hard”–That’s humble-bragging and most of the time, people don’t buy it. They prefer if you’re real and upfront with them.

Based on research and experiment, it was found that if you sweat when you’re nervous, people can actually detect it through how you smell (eww). Those whom produce stress-induced sweat are rated with low competence, trustworthy and also low confidence. So just bear in mind to never forget to put on some deodorant, alright?

Hiding True Feelings/Emotions
People like those whose feelings can be easily read because they are more approachable. Not only that but also because people can predict or expect how they will respond or react. Studies found that people who are natural in showing emotions are more likable because they will reciprocate in pursue of establishing a connection compared to those who hide them.

If you can’t take a joke and have no sense of humour, you are definitely easy to dislike. People will gravitate more towards you if you are able to loosen up a little. So if you want to make friends, don’t be too serious.

Top Image:  elwynn / Shutterstock.com