10 times when you really feel like choke-slamming your teacher

Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 10:45 am

We see teachers almost everyday of our lives for the first 18 years (some of you less, lucky..) and they have taught us a great deal. We are where we are not because of them, usually. Yet these teachers have annoying habits that makes our blood boil, we just want to kill them (not literally).

When they engage in office politics
When they tell you which teacher they don’t like and talk bad about that teacher even if outside of class, they actually have lunch together in the canteen every single day.

When they show favoritism
They have a favourite student which people call a teacher’s pet and the class knows it because the teacher makes it so obvious. BUT! These teachers never ever admit it.

When they don’t admit they are wrong
When your answer is right and theirs isn’t and then the teacher realises that you are right but never admits it. Such.. devious.. teachers…

When they ask but never accept our reasons
Because your reasons are automatically excuses to them. Your dog died? What an excuse.

When they insist they gave us homework
Because they did give the other classes. Except your class. Yet they still insist they did and expect to see it in their pigeonhole at the end of the day.

When they make personal attacks
Like your weight issues or your insecurities. It won’t just be you who wants to choke-slam the cher, even your pals will feel the same way. How dare they!

When they call you out
For your mistake or because they saw you with your girlfriend the other day. Meh. Please don’t.

When they chase you out for the smallest reasons 
Like not bringing your textbook. Or for passing a tissue packet to a friend who desperately needs it.

When they refuse to let you go even if the bell rang
Most horrible teacher ever! They’ll be like, I still have 10 seconds to teach. Seriously?

When they ask you to submit work but never mark it
Your deadline is 3 days, but you will only get your work back in 3 months. And best of all? It’s unmarked. So much for meeting the deadline.

Top Image: India Picture / Shutterstock.com