9 Toys Kids in the 90s Used to Own & They Meant Everything to Them


Last Updated on 2022-04-12 , 8:51 pm

Kds in the 1980s to 1990s did not have iPhone or iPad, and their only source of entertainment was either to disturb their parents, break all the vases in the house or simply playing with toys that seemed to fascinate them a lot.

It might seem boring, but it could well be better than the childhood that kids nowadays have: after all, what’s a childhood without toys?

If you’ve once owned these toys below, you’ll most likely be an old person now, because they’ve sort of become extinct. Sometimes, I do wonder how Toys “R” Us still manages to survive when everything, including toys (or games, to be specific), have gone digital.

Image: pixar.fandom.com

You’ll usually buy many of these soldiers and line them up, fighting an imaginary battle between two companies. Bet you didn’t expect yourself to be one of these soldiers when you turn 18, eh?

Image: Wikipedia

They might look scary now, but in the past, they were the cutest things in the world. And they talked. In the 80s and 90s, toys usually didn’t talk.

Image: Amazon

While I still see them in stores (or maybe it was ten years ago?), every boy in the 90s had at least one Hot Wheels car. They’re so popular, there were even “chiong” versions from China like “Hot Wheel” or “Wheel Hots”. Like, seriously.

Image: Amazon

You can’t complete this list without a He-Man. Back in the days, He-Man was as popular as Batman v or Superman. Whenever you switch on the TV (the TV is like, erm, 1980s’ YouTube?), you’ll see that blond-haired guy holding a sword, saying things that we kids didn’t understand and didn’t care.

Image: cartamundi.com

It’s a card game. As simple as that. And because everyone was then playing it, you’re outdated if you didn’t play it.

Image: SKP

You drop the sticks and you try to grab those that are yours…without touching others. The rules are simple, but the game is so damn difficult.

Image: Twitter 

I’ve got just one simple question: are primary school students still doing their projects with Playdoh?

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Image: Wikipedia

Arh, the mother of all toys, whereby even adults were addicted to it. You know, everyone in the 90s used to have a pet…either that, or they used to have pets. Because everyone played Tamagotchi.

Image: Carousell

Before WWF became WWE, Channel 5 (or was it TV 12?) aired the show and it was insanely popular. People were tossing each other on the bed and hospitalized because of that. So, in order to prevent more injuries, parents bought WWF figurines for their kids instead. Do you know each of them has a special move? It was really damn cool.