10 ways to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes because getting Zika is worse than getting Dengue


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:36 pm

Mosquitoes have been around for some time. I hate it when I’m the one who gets bitten half the time when the entire household is asleep at night.

What’s creepy these days is the outbreak of Zika virus. It’s like the evil queen of mosquito sicknesses. You won’t even know if you have contracted it. The worst people to suffer from the bites are pregnant women.

The virus can be passed on to the foetus, which results in a brain defect at birth called microcephaly. And that’s just the most prominent feature of the virus. Other symptoms include a stunted growth and eye defects.

Keep those pests away with the help of these 10 tips, and guard your body from bites with your life!

Mosquito Repellents
These come in the form of creams or sprays. Read the label and go for a product that has DEET – it’s the best component to drive mosquitoes away.

Clothe Yourself Up
Think long pants and long-sleeved shirts. A physical barrier does a good job in preventing mosquitoes from biting you.

The Good Old Mosquito Net
Invest in a mosquito net to cover you and your partner while you sleep at night. If you’ve got an infant next to you, go to the nearest baby shop to get a mosquito cover for its crib.

The Tennis Racquet/Mosquito Fryer
Watch those morons burn to death as you swipe around the house like a tennis pro! The best thing about this racquet is that you don’t need any chemicals to kill the mozzies.

An Oil Burner with Repellent Fragrances
A tea candle, a tiny oil burner and a couple of essential oil drops are all you’re going to need here. If you’re new to the trade, the best way to get your room smelling like a charm while chasing the mosquitoes is with lemon eucalyptus oil.

Not a fan of that oil? Try citronella oil instead.

Spray Your Room
Spray your room with Baygon or Ridsect a good one hour before you go to bed.

Clear Stagnant Water Spots
A quarter inch of water is good enough for mosquitoes to make a happy dance and start breeding. That’s just what you don’t want. Empty pails and other containers in the apartment which may have stagnant water in them. If you don’t know what to do, just check out how to do the mozzie wipeout.

Check your vases that are holding fresh flowers too!

Door Closing Time
Mosquitoes love lurking around in the evening. Keep your doors and windows shut from 6pm onwards. Of course, if you don’t have aircon within the house, we’ll advise you suck it up and keep your windows open because being bitten is preferable to suffocating, right?

Fan Away
An electrical fan is pretty handy in blowing the fellas away from you and your family. A few hours of high powered speed should be more than enough for the mosquitoes to get the message, and stay away.


Light Up a Coil
This is another old method but really good in chasing mosquitoes far, far away. Of course, you’ll be breathing in the coil as well, so decide if you want to go for it or not. Just be sure to check with your family physician if you have medical concerns before doing so.

Top Image: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.com