Here’s How You Can Recover From Sunburn Quickly (With Common Household Items!)

Getting sunburns are one of the most annoying pains we, unfortunately, are well-acquainted and familiar with on this sunny island. Especially for those of us...

You’ve Been Charging Your Phone The Wrong Way For Years

Picture this—you just left your house 3 hours ago with a fully charged phone, and now, the battery's already running low. Or do you...

5 practical tips on how to make your smartphone photos look a lot more...

Smartphone cameras have come a long way. Some photographers even make careers out of mobile photography—photographer Matt Louder uses a Huawei and an iPhone...

10 Simple Ways to Boost Your Wifi Signal at Home So You Can Netflix...

Does the TV in your room lose connection all the time? Or, maybe, when you're in an important meeting in your room, the video suddenly...

10 Ways to Beat Insomnia In Case You Have A Lesson At 8am The...

Right off the bat, insomnia sucks. That feeling of not being able to fall asleep is one that no one should ever have to...

Things You Should & Should Not Do When Your Phone is Dropped into a...

We drop our phones all the time. On the floor, on the bed, on our faces, on the way to somewhere, everywhere. But what should...

Blowing “sand” out of eyes is apparently not a solution

Remember the old wives’ tale, in which if you feel that there’s a grain of sand (or any particle) in your eyes, you should...

10 Ingenious Cooking Hacks As Recommended By Chefs Themselves

You’ve been wanting to unleash your inner Racheal Ray or Guy Fieri. The thing is, though, it takes them literally minutes to complete a...

Here’s How Often Should You Actually Need to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Let's be honest—how many of us actually clean our makeup brushes? On the outside, your brushes may not seem too bad or too "dirty", but...

Here’s Why You Should Use Laundry Pods Instead of Traditional Detergent

Adulting is not just about earning your own income, but also doing your own household chores. Speaking from personal experience, doing your own household chores...