12 Tweets That Are Way Too Real For People Who Stay Up Late

There are two kinds of people – those that sleeps early and wake up early for a fresh day to start running errands and then there are the ones who would stay up way past “appropriate sleeping time” and sleep half the day in the next day. We’ll regret sleeping in so much but we can’t help it because we love sleep more than anything in the world and you’ll find us repeating the same cycle the next day.

Whether it’s due to work, disrupted body clocks or personal lifestyle, here are some hilarious tweets “night owls” would find relatable and somehow proud to be part of Team Night.

1. We stay up late every night. Regret if every morning. Then do it again.
– @autocorrects

2. “Only successful people stay up this late” * Starts next episode *
– @FunnyIntrovert

3. Detective: There are signs of a struggle here [earlier that morning]
Me: * trying to get up for work *
– @InternetHippo

Image: giphy.com

4. Whoever speaks at my funeral will probably just look over at my casket and say “well, she was always kind of like this.”
– @slaughthie

5. A snail can sleep for up to 3 years. I didn’t even know it was even possible to be this jealous.
– @leechee420

6. Prince Charming: I will awaken her with love’s sweet ki–
Sleeping Beauty: five more minutes
– @TheToddWilliams

Image: pinterest.com

7. * wakes up from a 10 year coma, pretends to be asleep for an extra 5 minutes *
– @SamuelHLowe

8. When people tell me “:You’re going to regret that in the morning”, I sleep till noon because I am a problem solver.
– @hdaniels_00

9. Sure Charlie got himself a Chocolate Factory, but his grandparents got to stay in bed for 20 years so ask yourself who were the real winners
– @WheelTod

Image: advice.careerbuilder.com

10. BAND: How’s everyone doing tonight!! [crowd goes nuts]
ME: (standing in the middle, normal voice): Ok I guess. Kinda tired.
– @InternetHippo

11. The GF goes away for 10 days, *shits going to get wild
* sleeps in middle of bed
– @Flexsteelrod

12. Do you ever wake up, kiss the person sleeping beside you and feel glad to be alive?
I just did and I won’t be allowed on this airline again
– @causticbob

Image: pinterest.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com.