16YO Who Had a Cardiac Arrest After Taking COVID-19 Vaccine Out of ICU & Isn’t Related to Another 16YO’s Death

Amongst a slew of bad news related to the COVID-19 pandemic this week that just gets anyone either nervous or ready to rant upon hearing the word KTV, here’s some good news.

Taking the vaccine can be a very scary and uncertain thing, for there remain many unknown side effects that only we hear of from others’ experiences.

What shocked the nation a few weeks ago was the case of a 16-year-boy who suffered from a cardiac arrest just six days after he took his COVID-19 vaccine.

And there were also speculations and fake news spreading around online regarding his case that has since been debunked.

Thankfully, in the latest update from the Ministry of Health (MOH), it’s good news for the boy.

16-Year-Old Boy In Stable Condition, Out Of ICU

On 15 July, MOH announced that the 16-year-old boy has since been transferred out of the intensive care unit with a stable medical condition following the news of his collapse.

He is now being cared for in a coronary care unit’s high dependency ward, where he is currently being closely monitored and observed.

“We are still investigating the underlying cause. Our priority is the well-being of the patient, and he is under the close medical care of an excellent team in the National University Hospital,” the ministry added.

They also conveyed their hopes and well wishes to the boy and his family that he will recover quickly.

At least we’re ending the eventful week with this piece of good news.

Unrelated To Death Of Another 16-Year-Old Boy

The fake news masters have been at it once again, armed with their edited images and forward buttons on various social media platforms.

A circulated photo of an obituary of a 16-year-old boy had been making its rounds online, with people assuming and claiming that the boy had passed away due to complications regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.

Some also speculated that it could be the very same boy who suffered from cardiac arrest.

However, MOH released a statement debunking this, saying that the boy who passed away did not take any doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and that his case was not vaccine-related.

They reiterated that both cases were completely unrelated as well.

“We urge the public not to spread unsubstantiated information which may add to the family’s grief or cause public alarm,” MOH added.

What Happened To The Boy Who Had Cardiac Arrest?

Most people would have been made aware of the news from 5 July that there was a boy who had collapsed due to cardiac arrest following his vaccine jab, but here’s a recap.

Just six days after taking his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech / Corminaty vaccine, he had gone for a weightlifting session at the gym, carrying weights above his body weight.

This had resulted in him collapsing due to cardiac arrest when he arrived home after the session, and he was transferred to the ICU of the National University Hospital (NUH) in critical condition.

When he took his jab on the 27 of June, trained healthcare personnel assessed him to be fit to take the vaccine.

He did not show any problems during the 30 minute observation period, and felt fine for the next five days as well.

So it was a mystery as to why he had cardiac arrest, which they are still investigating the underlying reason of.

Featured Image: Mahsun YILDIZ / Shutterstock.com