3 simple ways to convert PDF to MS Word document you probably didn’t know of!

Last Updated on 2017-07-28 , 11:03 am

It’s the most annoying thing ever: receiving a document in PDF form and not being able to edit it using your MS Word.

Sometimes you can’t even open the file. What do you do then? Your project’s deadline is nearing, and all you have are your laptop and the Internet.

Well, you might want to try out these different methods, because it’s not as bad as you think it is. The first one will be an instant saviour (it’s actually an instant saviour for everything lah).

Use the Internet

All hail the Internet. If you can use Google to find out how where the best places for buying bread is, you can surely use Google to find out how to convert your documents.

Type in “Convert PDF to Word using Internet” and you’ll find various sites where you can make use of the free online system to convert those nasty files.

Upgrade to latest version of Word Doc

Upgrading to the latest version will mean that your software can automatically convert your PDF files into Word Documents for ease of editing and presentation. The older versions like 2003 can’t support the feature, so you might want to spend a little bit of money to upgrade.

And just so you know, you no longer have to spend one hundred dollars to buy a MS Office. Everything is subscription-based now, including MS Office, so you won’t need to Uber all the way to a shopping mall just to buy a CD, only to realize that your laptop has no CD-ROM.

Buy a software that does it for you

If you don’t feel secure using an online application to convert your files for you, you can always buy and install a safe software to do the job for you. You can try Nuance Power PDF Standard or much cheaper Aiseesoft PDF to Word Converter.

Of course, buying such software reduces your chances of your laptop catching a virus as compared to using the Internet. However, if all you want is to convert them into words, it’ll be more affordable to get the latest version of MS Office instead.

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This article was first published on Goodyfeed.com