528 COVID-19 Cases Today (30 Apr): Local Cases Are Still Single Digit

Today’s the last day of April, and it’s time to take a look at our report book.

On the last day of March, we reported 47 new cases with 31 of them local transmissions while the rest of them are imported. And back then, the total number of cases is 926.

Today, we have 528 new cases.

6 are Singaporeans or Singapore PRs.

A bulk of the other cases are migrant workers living in dormitories.

This means in total, we have 16,169 now.

Pertaining to the trend of community cases, based on yesterday’s numbers, there has been a decrease based on the average number of cases, from an average of 25 cases per day in the week before, to an average of 17 per day in the past week. The number of unlinked cases in the community has also decreased, from an average of 17 cases per day in the week before, to an average of 9 per day in the past week.


Well, yes, but it seems like the world is now not only looking at the number of new cases, but something with a fancy name: serology tests.

Or in simple term, antibody tests.

Hunt for People Who Once Had the Virus or People With No Symptoms

Ever since New York announced their results of a mass antibody test that shows that there’s a chance that 1 in 5 people there could have been infected before, the word “undercount” has been raised up in many media.

Simply put, an antibody test is a test that determines whether you once had COVID-19 before or not, even if you’ve no symptoms or are completely free of the virus at the time of testing.

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With some mass antibody tests showing that there might be more people infected with the coronavirus without anyone (even the authorities) knowing, it could potentially mean that the numbers we see daily are an “undercount”—the number of cases should be much higher since there would be many undetected cases, even in a developed country like the US.

That’s mean the fatality rate might be much lower.

In other news, it was announced today that a drug that was initially dismissed as a “failure” to treat COVID-19 has just suddenly shown results: hopes were so high that 50,000 of the drug, remdesivir, is now packed and ready to ship.

These two pieces of news could be a game-changer since

  1. Fatality rate might be lower than what is reported now
  2. We might have a good treatment for the disease

Of course, everything’s in its early stages and only time will tell if these are indeed game-changers.

In the meantime, you can read about the latest updates by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the Gov.sg’s WhatsApp service here.

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