47 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (31 Mar); 18 of Them Are Unlinked So Far

In case you’ve forgotten, Singapore has only 106 confirmed cases on the first day of March.

Today’s the last day of March, and with the global trend of exponential growth in cases, we now have 926 cases as 47 cases were reported today.

It’s now so bad that even in-camp training, which everyone believes will never be cancelled since that’s never happened before, is suspended until 30 April 2020.

Here’s today’s announcement.

47 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (31 Mar); 18 of Them Are Unlinked So Far

Out of the 47 cases, 16 are imported cases, in which half of them have been to the UK. The rest of them have been to Australia, Canada, Denmark, Indonesia and Malaysia.

For the remaining 31 cases, 13 of them are linked to previously confirmed cases or clusters, while 18 of them currently have no links yet.

There is a new cluster as well, in which 4 cases that were reported today were linked to it: it is yet another dormitory, this time Toh Guan Road East. They are linked to a previously confirmed case.

1 of the cases reported today is also linked to the SingPost Centre cluster, which means the cluster now has 6 confirmed cases.

Also, there is yet another worker who works in a healthcare setting who’s infected: he’s a 22-year-old Indian national who works as a housekeeper in Changi General Hospital. He was tested positive yesterday afternoon, and is now isolated in CGH.

PSA: Be Careful When You Interact With Seniors

By now, you should know that the fatality rate for seniors is might higher.

This is why in a press conference today, the director of medical services at the Ministry of Health (MOH) Kenneth Mak stressed that we should be more careful when interacting with them.

He said, “Our seniors are vulnerable, and it’s important that we respect that social separation.

“Raise your hygiene standards when you interact with them. If you are ill, please don’t get near your seniors. If they don’t stay with you, don’t visit them. This is a way to protect the seniors at home.”

In other words, remember to practise safe distancing, and have an even large distance between you and any senior – especially if you’re sick.

If you have the 5-day MC, you should be putting on a mask even when you’re at home.

Updates on Confirmed Cases

All in all, we have 926 number of cases in Singapore.

240 of them have fully recovered and are discharged, while 22 of them are in ICU. 3 have passed away from complications caused by COVID-19.

The condition of the remaining patients are stable or improving, and of this group, 260 of them who are clinically well but still test positive for COVID-19 are isolated and cared for at Concord International Hospital, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Gleneagles Hospital and the Community Isolation Facility at D’Resort NTUC.

As of noon today, MOH has identified 13,452 close contacts who have been quarantined. Of these, 4,713 are currently quarantined, and 8,739 have completed their quarantine.

You can do your part as a responsible citizen through helping out in contact tracing by downloading the TraceTogether app.

In the meantime, keep yourself updated by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the Gov.sg’s WhatsApp service here.