38YO Man Hanged Himself Coz’ Wisdom Tooth Was Too Painful As He Had To Wait 6 Months For Treatment

In Singapore, we’re very blessed to have polyclinics where not only do we get medication at heavily subsidised prices, but we also get discounted consultation fees.

Besides that, we also don’t have to wait THAT long for our turn. At the very most, 2-3 hours or lesser if we book an appointment online beforehand.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for this 38-year-old man in England who had to wait 6 months for an appointment.

He Had To Wait 6 Months For Subsidised Treatment & Didn’t Have Enough Money For Private Treatment

According to Daily Mail, a 38-year-old man named Anthony Hoskins committed suicide by hanging himself when he couldn’t take the excruciating pain caused by his wisdom tooth.

In January 2019, he complained of severe toothache and went to see a dentist. However, he wasn’t able to get a wisdom tooth extraction done on the spot and he was put on National Health Service (NHS)’ waiting list.

If you’re unaware, National Health Service is England’s version of our polyclinics. It’s stated that non-urgent consultant treatments is 18 weeks from the day your appointment is booked through the portal.

Patients can also choose to seek private treatment at a higher cost, which is what Anthony and his mother did. Unfortunately, they didn’t have enough money at the time.

In February, Anthony’s mother began saving money so Anthony can get his wisdom tooth removed, which would cost around £1,500 (~S$2,630).

Prescribed Painkillers And Drank Whiskey At Night To Help Him Sleep

While waiting for his appointment to have his wisdom tooth extracted, Anthony was given strong painkillers and drank a glass of whiskey every night in hopes that it’d help him sleep.

Self-medication right there.

In March, he told his mother that he had “enough of the pain”.

However, his mother told him that she only had £900 (~S$1,578) and still needed a couple more weeks to save up before they can go for private treatment.

Anthony Was Found Dead In His Bedroom

On 3 April 2019, the police were alerted by Anthony’s mother after she didn’t hear from him for a few days.

She also heard that he had complained of pain and had left work early the week before.

The police forced their way into Anthony’s home and found him dead in his bedroom.

Post mortem results showed that the cause of death was hanging while the coroner recorded his death as a suicide.

His mother said, “Anthony was just a normal man who got on with life.”

“He enjoyed playing computer games and had no financial problems. His rent was always paid, along with other utilities, and he would see me weekly.

“Anthony is at rest now and will not suffer anymore pain.”

Once again, here’s a PSA: if you cannot handle any pain, be it mentally or physically, do feel free to seek help.