A 4-room HDB is Being Listed for $1m…Without Even a Pic to Show Its Luxury

Singaporean flats, as any Singaporean can testify, aren’t that cheap.

Alright, correction: the prices practically scream bloody murder.

In fact, it’s got to a point where I thank the heavens that I’ve got my parents’ flat to stay in, and pray to the same heavens that I never get kicked out.

And after seeing this, you will start going Amitabha-amitabha too.

Image: Stomp
Image: Imgflip

It was listed on Carousell

According to Stomp, the seller had listed the Bedok Reservoir Road flat on market platform, Carousell.

Image: Stomp
Image: Stomp

Built in 1984, the flat has a 99-year tenure and stands 1,119 square feet (or 103 square metres).

It has also been tastefully renovated, with minimal built-in items and an installed fibre termination point.

Image: Stomp

Security seems pretty atas too, with private CCTV presence, Police CCTV presence and even guard dogs on duty (???).

And you get to have not one, but TWO letterboxes.

Friendly neighbours are a plus point too.

Image: Stomp
Image: Stomp

While it does seem tempting so far, I can’t help but feel that pictures would be pretty helpful.

However, there were none.

Or as the lister put it: “I regret to inform that no photographs of the said apartment will be furnished as there is simply no way these photographs would ever do justice to how stunning the apartment is.”

Image: Stomp

Mannnn, and there I was hoping to be stunned like a vegetable.

It seems to have been taken down

We tried looking for the posting via Stomp’s provided link, but it proved to be an empty one.

This means primarily three things:

  1. Stomp posted the wrong link.
  2. The flat has been sold
  3. The seller took it off.

After running through some logical processes and whatnot, I’ve determined that it’s probably no.2.

After all, who in their right mind would pass on such a golden opportunity?


So far, response has been largely positive.

Image: Stomp
Image: Stomp

Although there were a couple of party poopers.

Image: Stomp

End question

Presuming that the listing is back up, would you take it?

S$1,000,000 for a 4-room flat leh.

Dirt cheap.

So far, as of December 2016, there were 19 HDB flats sold for more than $1 million. Most of them were Pinnacle@Duxton, an atas HDB in a prime location. Heck, just look at its design.

Image: visitsingapore.com

I’ll pay $2 million for that.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: Stomp