Last Updated on 2017-01-06 , 5:26 pm
Are you one of the many who believed that when a product says it is “antibacterial”, you fall for it immediately until last year, when a study revealed that the whole “anti-bacteria” thingy is nothing more than a smart marketing tactic to entice customers.
Now, what if I tell you that hair conditioners (yeah, that thingy that makes your hair so smooth and soft that your confidence will be boosted by 101%) don’t actually make your hair healthy? And that they’re, well, essentially coating your hair with chemicals just so to give you that illusion?
So, what are the everyday hair products that are actually harming your hair? Here’s science explaining the products instead of, you know, brands. Be surprised at this list, because you might just see your hair differently from now on.

Hold your horses before you rush to throw away all your shampoos. Shampooing is important, but shampooing too often actually harms your hair—indirectly. Shampoos are essentially used to remove oil and dirt from your hair, but here’s the thing: if you remove too much natural oil from your hair, it might dry your hair, leading it prone to breakage. But of course, if you’ve oily scalp, then daily shampoo is required.
So, what’s the ideal shampoo frequency? There’s no ideal answer because it really depends on your hair. My best bet? Consult a trichologist instead of citing things you’ve read on the Internet.
Hair Conditioner
A layman would have this thought: WOW, after applying hair conditioner, it feels so smooth that it doesn’t feel like your hair anymore.
Hey, you’re absolutely right: your hair doesn’t feel like your hair because it’s been coated with chemicals that make it so WOW. Unless you’re going for high-end conditioners that have natural ingredients which can be absorbed by your hair, you’re essentially just providing a short-lived effect.
Hair Oils
Whether it’s mineral oil or coconut oil or essential oils, off-the-shelf hair care oil or cooking oil from the supermarket, here’s the thing: you’ll be better off with natural oil in your hair, unless a trichologist says so after analysing your hair.
While hair oils can give a shine to your hair and keep them moisturized, it isn’t actually true that they can provide nourishment to the hair or prevent hair loss. Most of them are not absorbed into the hair—what they do essentially is to coat your hair, and to some extent, “fill the gap between the cuticle cells and prevent the penetration of the aggressive substances such as surfactants into the follicle.”
Why deep fry your hair when you can simply have natural oil in your hair to make it look shiny?
Hair dryers
To cite a paper published in Annals of Dermatology in November 2011, researchers come to a conclusion that frequent use of hair dryers can cause hair damage such as roughness, dryness, and loss of hair colour. If you die-die need to use it, they’ve suggested leaving a distance of at least 15 cm between the hair dryer and your hair and make sure you move the hair dryer continuously.
Hair Tonics
Unless you’ve been using one, you might not have heard of it. But here’s the thing: while there’re many choices in supermarkets promising all sorts of benefits, they’re meant for the mass market, so they might or might not work for your hair and scalp. Let’s face it: some of them sell well because they’ve got good copywriters perusing every single word on the packaging, and not that they work well.
The best “tonic” for your hair is to look for a trichologist instead. Let the specialist prescribe you with what you need, rather than just buying a bottle that sells well in the market instead of one that works well for your hair and scalp.
While it’s depressing to read this (you know, it’s like your entire life has been a lie!), there’s a solution: visiting a trichologist. Just like the SOP for keeping your teeth healthy is to visit a dentist every six months, the correct way to keep your hair healthy is to visit a trichologist regularly, instead of going to a supermarket and letting a lady sell some snake oil hair tonic to you.
Leading trichological centre, TK TrichoKare, has trained trichologists to ensure the well-being of your hair with science (and very advanced technology). In additional, they use customised European herbal hair remedies upon checking your hair and scalp conditions.
In just this year alone, TrichoKare has obtained four awards: ELLE Beauty Treat List 2017 for Best Treatment For Hair Loss, Her World Spa Awards 2016 for Best Treatment For Damaged Hair, Harper’s BAZAAR Hair Awards 2016 for Best Sebum-Regulating Treatment for Oily Scalp and The Singapore Women’s Weekly Hair Awards 2016 for Best Anti-Ageing Hair Treatment. Bet that’s why even celebrities such as Xiaxue have visited TrichoKare to have their hair problems solved! That goes to show how effective TrichoKare is when it comes to promoting healthy hair growth, preventing hair fall and hair loss.
One of our colleagues have been to a trial session, and here’s what he feels: after going through a customized session, he certainly feels that his hair is much healthier. Here’s his hair before the treatment.
And here’s his hair after treatment.
After one session, he felt his scalp felt and looked a lot cleaner—you can clearly see the lack of pasty build-up and the clear hair roots. He mentioned that it felt so clean and fresh that he didn’t even feel like cleaning it for a day. And here’s the best part: it’s like hairfall has completely disappeared overnight, as he woke up the next morning without a trace of any hair, when on other days, he would have seen countless hair!
The truth is, if you want healthy hair, you should consult a trichologist (a person who specialized in hair—you can call him or her a “hair doctor”), like the ones in TrichoKare.
Chinese New Year is coming; now is the best time to show your best side during your gatherings! Here’re the promotions from TrichoKare because #CNYNewYearNewHair:
• 1-for-1 Promo: 1-for-1 customised Award-winning Hair Fall Prevention Treatment @ $78 + 2x FREE Ampoule ( worth $900)
• $42 Promo: Customised Award-winning Hair Fall Prevention Treatment + FREE Ampoule ( worth $450)
To enjoy the promotions, simply go to
Featured Image: CHAjAMP /
This article was first published on and is written in collaboration with TK TrichoKare.