4 Haunted Halls in NTU that You Should Avoid During the 7th Month

Last Updated on 2016-07-29 , 10:37 am

Located at the extreme west end of Singapore, the ulu NTU has had its fair share of ghost stories, and its halls (also known as hostels) are no different.

As the school year for university kids resumes once more, here are four rumoured-to-be-haunted halls that you should avoid during the Seventh Month. Take these recounts with a pinch of salt, however – they could be true, or could very well just be tall tales concocted by seniors to scare off freshmen.

Hall 2

Image: nanyangchronicle.ntu.edu.sg (Alfred Chua)
Image: nanyangchronicle.ntu.edu.sg (Alfred Chua)

Back in the day, Hall 2 was once boarded up after a murder, and this sparked a flurry of rumours about the place being haunted. Some blocks at Hall 2 are even said to be occupied by men only for “reasons too scary to disclose publicly”.

Hall 5

Image: nomadicmeg.com
Image: nomadicmeg.com

Hall 5 might be one of the nicest halls in NTU after undergoing renovations last year, but before that, it was really dilapidated and run-down – basically, it looked spooky AF.

On top of that, one of its TV lounges was rumoured to be haunted. The spirit purportedly follows its victim back to their room, and keeps them up throughout the night. One victim suffered a nervous breakdown, while another moved out the following semester.

Hall 7

Image: ntu.edu.sg
Image: ntu.edu.sg

The infamous tree at the bend near Block 36 was reported to be the location for ghostly sightings. Ask any Wee Kim Wee student or Hall 7 resident – they’ve probably heard of that rumour before.

Hall 13

Image: digitalsenior.sg
Image: digitalsenior.sg

If you’re a Hall 13 resident, chances are you might’ve heard stories about the “Block 64 ghost”. Said to frequent one of the girls’ levels, residents claim that there’s something “different about the air” around it.

The male toilet at the third floor of Block 62 is also said to be haunted, with a former resident revealing that he “saw a silhouette of a man’s head against the wall” while brushing his teeth. His story was corroborated by other hall mates.

Top Image: Nanyang Chronicle / Digital Senior

This post was first published on goodyfeed.com