5 S’pore News That You Should Know About That Were Reported Yesterday (10 February 2020)


Let’s face it: in this social media world, exciting and viral news like a cat feeding a baby bear would often appear in your Facebook news feed, while important news like the GDP growth of Singapore this year wouldn’t get the same reach.

It’s understandable since social media platforms would prioritise engaging and viral contents to keep users in their platform.

In order to ensure that you’d still know about important news instead just social news, below are the top five Singapore news that was reported yesterday which you should know, simplified for you in a bite-sized format:

Coronavirus In S’pore: 2 New Cases Announced Yesterday

Two new nCoV cases announced by MOH yesterday. Both are Singaporeans.

One is a 37-year-old Certis Cisco Officer who had been on duty during Chingay 2020. The man was tested positive on 9 February 2020. The other is a two-year-old girl who was evacuated from Wuhan on 30 January 2020

For more info, tap here.

Budget 2020 Will be Delivered on 18 February, 3pm

Would there be new ang baos from Ah Gong? Would GST continue to raise? Would the gahmen give some money to people whose income has dropped due to the nCov?

If you’ve many questions, stay tuned to the Budget 2020, which will be delivered next Tuesday at 3pm. You can watch it anywhere: from the Singapore Budget website to meWatch (previously known as Toggle) to the traditional TV.

This year, MOF will be partnering with the Singapore Association for the Deaf to provide simultaneous sign language interpretation of the speech on the Budget website.

For more info, tap here.

South Korea Film Wins Best Picture in Oscars

For the first time in history, a non-English speaking film wins the Best Picture in Oscars.

Parasite, a critically acclaimed film, took home the Best Picture award in Oscars, beating even powerhouses like Joker or Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

It’s a feat considering that its budget is mere USD$11 million, compared to a film like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood that had a budget of about USD$90 million.

For more info, tap here.

Long Queues at Several Premises in CBD Due to Temperature Taking Measures

Yesterday was the first working day since Singapore upped its DORSCON level to Orange, and with new measures to be implemented, it has created queues in some places.

Long queues were spotted in CBD as people need to have their temperature taken before they can enter the building. There were some complaints as in some buildings, there were only one thermometer available.


Let’s hope today’ll be better.

For more info, tap here.

66-Year-Old Top Public Servant on Trial for Molesting Two Colleagues

Lest you’re hoping to know who the “top public servant” is, you’re out of luck: a gag order has been imposed to protect the alleged victims’ identities.

According to court documents, he had allegedly hugged and squeezed a 43-year-old’s buttocks, and did the same thing to another 55-year-old while they were overseas.

The ministry in charge of the man has declined to comment.


For more info, tap here.

Do come back tomorrow to the Goody Feed app so you’ll always stay informed!