5 S’pore News That You Should Know About That Were Reported Yesterday (27 February 2020)

Let’s face it: in this social media world, exciting and viral news like a cat feeding a baby bear would often appear in your Facebook news feed, while important news like the GDP growth of Singapore this year wouldn’t get the same reach.

It’s understandable since social media platforms would prioritise engaging and viral contents to keep users in their platform.

In order to ensure that you’d still know about important news instead just social news, below are the top five Singapore news that was reported yesterday which you should know, simplified for you in a bite-sized format:

3 More New COVID-19 Cases; 4 Others Discharged

According to the Ministry of Health (MOH), three more new COVID-19 cases have been confirmed, bring the national total up to 96. Of the 96, 66 of them have been deemed to be fully recovered and discharged from the hospital.

The three new cases include a 12-year-old Raffles Institution student, his 64-year-old family member, and a 44-year-old man.

Out of the 30 patients who are still in the hospital, MOH reported that eight of them are in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

For more info, tap here.

More Than Two-Third Households Have Collected Their Free Masks

At the beginning of the month, it was announced that free masks will be distributed to all households in Singapore from 1 February to 9 February in light of the worsening of the COVID-19 situation as well as stocks running low for masks in stores. The distribution was later extended until 29 February.

As of 26 February, the People’s Association (PA) has reported that about two-thirds of all households have collected their pack of four masks.

PA took the opportunity to thank all volunteers for helping with the distribution, and also urged those who have not collected their masks to do so by this Saturday.

For more info, tap here.

Nanny Gave 2 Babies Poison; Friend Says She’s Seeking Psychiatric Treatment

According to Dr Peter Looi, a doctor who is said to be the best friend of a 38-year-old nanny, Sa’adiah Jamari, accused of poisoning two babies under her care, the nanny was suffering and had sought psychiatric treatment. He did not, however, reveal what she was suffering from.

Sa’adiah is accused of giving two infants, aged five months and 11 months, medication such as sleeping drug zolpidem, antihistamine chlorpheniramine and muscle relaxant orphenadrine, as well as alprazolam and diazepam, which are used to treat anxiety disorders.

If she is found guilty of committing the offences, she can be jailed up to 10 years and fined for each charge of causing hurt with poisons.

For more info, tap here.

Ex-Director Of Healthcare Group Singapore O&G Has Been Charged With Cheating

62-year-old Christopher Chong Meng Tak was the lead independent director of women’s and children’s healthcare group Singapore O&G. He has been charged with two counts of cheating regarding an allegedly dishonest acquisition deal.

In 2015, it is believed that Chong negotiated a deal that saw the group pay $26.5 million to buy the medical business of a Dr Joyce Lim Teng Ee. However, he did not report that $1.5 million of the money the group paid would go to wholesale company Paraomay, which he is also a director of.

He apparently falsely represented the amount to Julius Baer bank and deposited the money in Paromay’s account as “shadow equity”.

If he is found guilty of cheating, he can be jailed up to three years and fined.

For more info, tap here.

Youth Mental Well-Being Network Formed; More Than 560 People Express Interest

According to Minister for Social and Family Development Desmond Lee, more than 560 people have expressed their interest in helping to improve the mental health of youths in Singapore.

The Ministry of Social and Family Development is working together with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education to launch a Youth Mental Well-Being Network to bring together different perspectives and coordinate efforts to help those who need it. They believe that together, they will be able to determine opportunities and gaps to “dive deeper into, and work on together”.

For more info, tap here.

Do come back tomorrow to the Goody Feed app so you’ll always stay informed!