5 Simple Desk Exercises You Can Do At Work To Lose Weight


We are all guilty of finding excuses, any excuse, just to get out of exercising. You know, just to relieve our inner guilt and allow us to continue with our couch-potato lifestyle.

Nevertheless, those days are over! Here are some simple desk exercises to keep fit and reduce all that belly fat, keep to it and you just might have legs like Paige Chua. Dreaming is free!

1.Inner Thigh Exercise Using a Towel

Image: teamrunning.com

Sit with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Then, place a rolled up towel or sweater between your knees and squeeze it as tightly as possible. Hold it there for 30 seconds, then rest for 5 seconds before starting again. Complete 10 repetitions.

 2. Raise Your Leg While Seated

Image: wikihow.com

You won’t draw attention to yourself doing this exercise unless your colleagues happen to look under your table and discover your shenanigans.

While sitting, straighten and lift one or both legs and hold it mid-air for 10 seconds before lowering it, but not letting it touch the ground. Do 20 sets. To level up, attach your handbag or briefcase for added weight and keep adding items inside to challenge yourself.

 3. Tricep Dips Using a Non-Roller Chair

Image: womenshealthandfitness.com.au

Please choose a 4-legged chair or firm surface to do this. This exercise tones your triceps – muscles at the backside of your upper arms. Position your hands shoulder-length width apart on a secure spot and lower your body to the ground with your legs straighten.

Ensure that your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle, no cheating! Straighten your elbows and repeat 20 times, more if you are feeling under-challenged.

4. Biceps Curls Using a Paper Weight

Image: womenshealthandfitness.com.au

It can be a paperweight, files, 1.5 litre water bottle – basically anything that feels significantly heavy to you. This exercise can be done seated or standing, your palm is holding the paperweight while facing upwards.

Bend the elbow and curl the arm up towards your chest. Let your arm curl back out again, complete 20 repetitions of this motion. Your arms will look like you religiously went to the gym, only that you didn’t.

 5.Squat Exercise While Typing

Image: caloriesecrets.net

Sitting on your bum the whole day is unhealthy, so get up and do half-squats. It is a guaranteed energizer to fight 3pm food comas and you will get a pert bum too, no loss!

Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing forward, back and neck kept straight. Gradually bend your knees and lower your body as though you are preparing to sit, hold that position for 10 seconds and repeat.