6 Best Online Platforms for Fresh Grads in S’pore Who Want to Self-Upgrade & Earn More

Ask any undergraduate about competition amongst their peers, and they will most certainly tell you that it’s a crazy world. Many students are scrambling for internships to decorate their resumes, snapping up volunteering experiences and picking up new skills all in an effort to land a better job.

In this frantic environment, what can a fresh graduate do in order to stay afloat? We’ve compiled a list of platforms for you to pick up new skills to stand out in front of your future employers!

1. Udemy

Image: udemycoupon.discountglobal.com

With more than 42,000 courses available, Udemy is an online marketplace for professionals and newbies alike to pick up new skills. Browse through their vast array of courses and start learning from the comfort of your own home.

Although Udemy’s courses do not lead to certification, some of their courses may count as credits towards certain technical accreditation.

2. Coursera

Image: tech-vise.com

With an array of courses from top universities around the world, you’ll be able to get an online shareable certification once you’ve completed the course on Coursera. You’ll get credited from top universities and boost your chance for that job.

3. Linkedin

Image: thetechportal.com

Commonly known as a job-search platform, I bet you didn’t know that it offers online courses as well. Named Linkedin Learning, Linkedin professionals and influencers offer courses on a variety of topics. It has a free one-month trial – a small fee will be required beyond after the trial.

4. Lessonsgowhere

Image: lessonsgowhere.com.sg

Lessonsgowhere also offers several courses on Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ). The bonus is that you’ll be able to use your Skillsfuture credits and get a discount!

If you’re looking to cultivate other hobbies, lessonsgowhere is also a great platform to look for other fun activities that you can do!

5. NTUC Learninghub

Image: ntuc.org.sg

With its mission to provide a better working life for Singaporeans, NTUC Learninghub strives to transform working professionals aged 25 and above by helping them gain skills in order to build continual growth.

From Business Excellence, Manufacturing, Information Technology and Finance Courses, it is equipped to provide proper skills training and provide certification that can boost your skills in your workplace.

6. UTAP (Union Training Assistance Program)

If you’re worried about the cost of courses, NTUC helps its members to subsidise eligible courses by up to 50% via the NTUC’s Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP).

NTUC members can also use their Skillsfuture credits together with UTAP subsidies to reduce the cost of the training.

Image: skillsupgrade.ntuc.org.sg

For a list of eligible courses, you can explore the UTAP course list. You can also visit the UTAP page for more information on how it works!

Now that you know all these, will you check them out or will you just wait for your company to send you for skills upgrading?

This article is contributed by Belle Ang, an intern with NTUC who wants to write articles for her peers on work issues in Singapore.