6 Correct Ways to Remove Acne so You Won’t End Up With A “Moon Face”

Last Updated on 2022-10-15 , 2:34 pm

The appearance of acne has caused many a date and outdoor activity to be cancelled or put on hold. Oh, those ugly, angry bumps that refuse to pop and always, ALWAYS appear before a big day.

While we all dread them, we cannot avoid them, especially during our teens. When our oil glands go into overdrive, that’s when these nasty things start sprouting and they seem impossible to get rid of.

But then, there are those who seem to go through their teenage years with nary a pimple scar on their perfect faces. How do they do it? Is there some kind of secret we weren’t let in on for so long?

Maybe, maybe not. The thing is, keeping acne at bay can be simple with some good products and a religious cleansing process which probably takes just about five minutes.

And it gets faster and easier as you go along so no worries there. So what are some of these ways you can remove and keep these horrid growths away?

1. Use a Good Oil-Free Face Wash that Contains Salicylic Acid

You should already know that one of the major reasons you suffer from acne is because of an overproduction of oil so besides keeping your face cleansed, you need to use a good oil-free product to not add more oil to your skin.

Using a face wash that contains salicylic acid also ensures that your skin is free of bacteria and your pores are unclogged to prevent dirty stuff from hanging around.

2. Using a Facial Brush

You have probably seen both the manual ones and the battery operated ones around. Using a facial brush on your skin is although a great way to unclog your pores, it may not be a good idea to use it if your acne is raw and blistering.

This is because the facial brush may break your acne and literally spread the disgusting gunk around and cause more acne to appear instead. I would suggest that you wait until your acne has dried up before you start using this to lighten the scars and smoothen your skin.

3. Use an Oil-Free Sunblock.

Acne can be exacerbated when they come into direct contact with high heat so keeping your problem area cool and dry as much as you can is the best way to keep those bumps from getting worse.

Always apply a good oil-free  sunblock to keep them from blowing out of proportion. Remember to always use unscented products as scented ones may clog up your pores and irritate your already highly irritated skin.

4. Apply a Good Anti-inflammatory to Them as Soon as They Pop.

Doing so as soon as they burst ensures that those zits get blasted as soon as possible. Don’t be stingy and go invest in a good quality acne cream for best results.

Choose one that will suit your skin condition and make sure you don’t use your fingers to touch once you have applied the medication!

5. If Possible, Try Not to apply Makeup as Much as You Can.

Many of those who suffer from a pimple or acne outbreak will immediately want to cover them up with loads of makeup. How many videos have we watched on YouTube and FaceBook that has shown young ladies and even men looking like acne bombs who use tons of foundation and concealers to eventually cover up all the zits on their faces?

Yes, they look good after but do you also know that their pores are so clogged up by all the makeup? When your skin is unable to breathe, and there is oil being produced to moisturise your skin naturally, acne forms.

So the moral of the story is, please let your skin breathe as much as possible if you suffer from bad acne. If you really need to put on makeup, try to remove and reapply at least three times during the course of the day. It may be an arduous journey but it will be so worth it at the end of the day when you see your skin looking brand new.

6. Acne Cream that Pulls Your Skin Too Tightly as it Dries May Not be a Good Thing.

Be wary of certain acne medication that make your skin feel super tight. As much as these creams are supposed to remove the sebum on your skin and dry up the zit, it shouldn’t be causing too much tightness around the affected area.

It hurts the healthy skin surrounding it and makes the affected area look splotchy. Get what suits your skin. What may be suitable for your friend’s skin may not be suitable for you.

Featured Image: Boyloso / Shutterstock.com