6 Foods That Are Sold at Almost Half Price After 9:00 p.m. in S’pore

Last Updated on 2022-10-01 , 1:02 pm

Do you know that sometimes the later it gets at night, the cheaper things become?

Of course, you might need to compromise on the freshness and the quality of whatever you might have bought, but the cheaper price would totally make up for it.

So if you are working late into the night and happen to pass by these shops (which is very common for Singaporeans); do spare some time to check out their late night deals that can probably be your supper and breakfast.

Or if you’ve OT-ed through dinnertime, your late (cheaper) dinner.


Remember the happy hour deal that Itacho Sushi used to have? Selected sushi are discounted at $0.80 a piece at selected outlets after 9pm, but it was all in the past. Not sure if they have it anymore, but it is worth a try if you pass by Itacho Sushi to spot if they are continuing their Happy Hour Promotions (especially the one at JCube)!

Nevertheless, other than Itacho Sushi, places like Ichiban Sushi, Sushi Deli, Umi Sushi or even NTUC do have discounted sushi at night – usually after 9pm too.

Not only that, your salmon sashimi can go as cheap as 80% of the original price at these places too. Although it might not be as fresh, some of the sushi that are cooked, like the Tamago ones, are still worth getting for they can sum up to a meal of sumptuous supper.

With sushi makan places in MRT stations nowadays, you can bet that they’re all within an arm’s reach.

Now, if you’re one who loves deal (well, who doesn’t?!), you really have to download our app, whereby we publish a new deal daily. These deals aren’t published in our Facebook or website, so not many people except you would know about it (that is, until more people download our app lah).

Done? Okay, moving on…


Takoyaki shops like Wow Tako, found in most shopping malls, also have special promotions to clear off their Takoyaki at the end of the day. It would probably be around 7pm-8pm when they start having promotions by offering you with more balls at the same price!

In fact, maybe it’s just me, but cold takoyaki tastes better than freshly made ones.

(Editor’s note: It’s definitely just you.)

Roasted Meat

Places that sells roasted meat like Char Siew or Honey Glazed BBQ Wings, normally NTUC, Cold Storage or BBQ Express, would also have late night discounts to end their day. In fact, you can see a new price covering the old price, as if it’s saying, “Grab me!!!”

Choose from the variety of leftovers and some of them are still warm when you buy them!

Packed Fruits

You can normally find packed fruits which are usually in slices that are sold at discounted prices later in the day, or even in the evening, as fruits that have been cut cannot be kept for long.

But make sure that the fruits are well refrigerated and check for the colour as well, you would not want to take spoilt ones and end up having a stomach ache!

Then again, I’ll have to admit: some of them don’t taste as fresh. But hey, beggars can’t be choosers, eh?


Usually, all bakeries ranging from your neighbourhood Swee Heng to Bread Talk would have bread discounts at night! Bread can go as cheap as 3 for $1 (though most offers one bun at $1 each) – just in time for you to stock up some for next day’s breakfast!


Not surprising, pastries shops would also sell off their leftover at a cheaper price to ensure that they sell only freshly made ones the next day! You should be glad to see them doing so when you pass by them.

One noticeable pastry shop would be the famous Twelve Cupcakes, which have a buy 4 get 2 free promotion at the end of the day (not sure if they still have it now). Of course, you cannot expect them to still their extensive selection available for you to choose from at such timing, but you would get to try them for a relatively cheaper price than before.

No worries if you cannot finish the 6 in a night; keep them in your refrigerator and you can share them around the next day too!

It’s time to do some late night shopping, don’t you agree?

Featured Image: Maksim Toome / Shutterstock.com & Tyler Olson / Shutterstock.com