6 Misconceptions People Living in Other Parts of S’pore Have About Jurong

Last Updated on 2018-09-12 , 5:25 pm

In the past, people would think of Jurong as an industrial area—or, in other words, a “wulu” area. To people living in other parts of Singapore, Jurong seems to be part of Tuas.

Now, the western part of Singapore has become so lively that the cause of traffic jams there is no longer by heavy vehicles, but by private cars and buses!

As someone who lives in the west since birth, I’ve seen the transition. Let’s take a walk down memory lane and debunk the myths made by Yishunites – coz it’s about time we tell the world that Jurong isn’t made of factories and factories.

Myth #1: Jurong Point is in Jurong East

Come on, Yishunites & Tampiners, admit this: you’ve once alighted at Jurong East MRT Station and thought that some wind has blown Jurong Point away to Boon Lay MRT Station. Let’s clear the air once and for all: Jurong Point is in Boon Lay MRT Station. Geddit?

Myth #2: Jurong Point is a small mall

Well, you’re partly correct. It was a tiny shopping centre. When Jurong Point was launched, it was as small as…the current West Mall (or even smaller). The library was IN the shopping mall, and to access the library, you needed to take a lift. Everyone squeezed into the tiny lift just to get to the library every few minutes.

Now? If you’re there the first time, remember to memorize where you’ve come in from. The number of entrances / exits is…I’ve lost count.

Myth #3: Clementi has NO shopping centre

You’re kidding me, right? Now, alight at Clementi MRT Station and you’ll be greeted with two shopping malls. Ten years ago? Alight at Clementi MRT Station and you’ll be greeted with HDBs. Want to take a bus to a nearby school? Look for a queue, not the bus. The queue for older adults went to NUS. The queue for teenagers went to SP or NP, with some going to SIM. The queue was usually so long that it went all the way out of the interchange.

(Article continues below) Xing Xing is a 34-year-old Singaporean lady who decides to meet up with an online friend she found in Facebook. But it turns out that he’s not what he seems to be: Prepare boxes of tissue and watch the saddest Singapore Facebook love story here:

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Myth #4: Jurong East Entertainment Centre is the to-go place for secondary school students

It used to be colourful—students from Yuhua Sec (brown then), Hua Yi Sec (white), Hong Kah Sec (green then), Jurongville Sec (light green), Yuan Ching Sec (blue), etc…they all made this place the to-go place after school. With our uniform (I said “our” because I was one of them!) having different distinct colours, you can imagine a rainbow McDonald’s.

But seriously, here’s the fact: there’s no more Jurong East Entertainment Centre. Shocking, no? I’m even more shocked to know that you think the iconic mall still exists.

Myth #5: IMM is a strange shopping mall

You know, long ago, IMM seemed to be a members-only shopping mall—almost like those malls within condos. But soon, IMM evolved to what it is now: the Parkway Parade of Jurong (both have got no MRT nearby). And of course, Daiso and Giant has become the icons of the shopping mall.

Myth #6: Jurong is Near Tuas

To some extent, that’s correct: Jurong might be near Tuas, but the nearest town to Tuas is apparently Pioneer. If you’ve not heard of that before, I understand: unless you’ve once lived in the west, you might not even know that Pioneer exists.

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